This us in 4th grade on the playground at Vena Wilburn Elementary
5th grade on our way to DC on a field trip :D
5th grade at the NC State Fair
Right before we went into 6th grade. This was at Busch Gardens, we were pretending to be drunk. LOL
7th grade- Jackie, me, and Jennie
11th grade? we were making icing and decided to play in it because it was goopy. lol
Junior prom! Of course we got ready together :D
Around college time we didnt hang out quite as much, but whenever Jennie and I are together it's like we never skipped a beat. She was in my wedding (I wouldnt have it any other way) and was an amazing bridesmaid, she really did an amazing job and made my wedding journey amazing. I will forever be grateful to her for that.

Jennie is an amazing person and will always have place in my heart and we will always be best friends- even if we are far apart. We have been through so much together over the past 18 years from going through all the stuff girls deal with growing up to the hard stuff including both of our fathers passing away. It's such a blessing to have a friend like her who has been through it all with me and still loves me and will always be there for me. I will always be there for her too. LIfe is going to keep happening to us as we get older and I look forward to how our friendship continues to grow even after all of these years.
This was taken when we went home in October
Well recently, Jennie found out she was pregnant! YAY! and I am so excited for her! She found out she is having a little girl :D Her name will be Jordyn Grace McPherson :D Beautiful:D She is due March 1st, which means Jennie is at 22 weeks now! I am trying my hardest to go home for the birth! Jordyn has to have her aunt Anna in her life right from the start! and I wouldnt miss out on being there for Jennie if I can do anything to help it! I love that girl to death :D
Me giving Jordyn kisses!!