So WOW! February is apparently the busiest month for work at UM! I have been SUPER busy and exhausted. I came to work last Monday (the 31st) and I wont have a day off until February 20
I am sure you are thinking to yourself- WHY!?
lol....well starting this past Friday we had RA Selection weekend. Friday and Saturday we have what we call group process for
RAs and then Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday we have had RA Interviews. I have been leaving at about 9 each night on the work days. While it has been exhausting and I am ready for it to be over, it's been really interesting. I have seen some really great
RAs that I am ready to hire for next year! It has also provided me with the opportunity to get to know a lot more of the students that live on this campus, which I have enjoyed :D
This weekend, starting Friday, is what we call
Sportsfest. Teams of 35 from each building participate in different sporting activities the entire weekend for the chance to win prizes and of course the
Sportsfest trophy (which is apparently a huge deal here). It's pretty cool. I am excited to see my first one. My role in all of this is to be out there watching and supporting and making sure people are being fair.
Mahoney doesnt have as many teams as I would have hoped
:( but I have faith in us anyway! I was going to play on the team, but we only ended up having one female team and it was full- so maybe next year.
Then on the 15
th, I fly to Mobile, AL for a work conference. I am excited because a lot of my old
colleagues will be there!! I CANT WAIT! :D plus I love to fly so I am excited about that too. I am flying from here to Atlanta and meeting up with grad school best friend, Lindsey Johns! and then we are flying to AL together. It should be a fun few days of professional growth :D Then I come back late the 18
th and the 19
th John and I are chaperoning a school trip (to the ZOO!).
So while I am SUPER busy at work and sometimes I am
frustrated, I am
REALLy excited about most of it :D I will be glad when Krystal and Josh get here though because I have the week off. It will be much needed by then!
On the plus side, I also got to go to the beach for a little while on Sunday before the Super Bowl. It was incredibly relaxing and beautiful! The water was a bit chilly, but after getting in it felt great. Gotta love the weather being in the 80's in February! I must say I am not missing the cold right now!