March 5th was a very special day for us! It marked 1 year from the day we found out we would be welcoming a sweet baby into our lives! It was also Savannah's 4 month birthday! How perfect:-) She's brought so much joy into our lives that we didn't even know was possible.
Her 4 month check up went really well! She's a champ at shots and only cries for a second and then is totally fine! I have yet to nurse her right after because she's all smiles :D I love my tough little cookie! Our sweet girl weighed 15lbs 5oz- 73% percentile, was 26inches long- 96% percentile!, and her head is still huge in the 91%!
She tried to eat daddy's nose during the appointment! LOL
She loves putting her hands in her mouth, recently started to suck her thumb (this is adorable!), loves us helping her sit up, watching TV, and is obsessed with her daddy!
Practicing her sitting!
Working on that tummy time early on a Saturday!
We also tried the exersaucer- still a bit too small for it. lol
TOO CUTE! I hope it never ends. (I mean I do, one day, just not for awhile. It's so cute!)
She loves her paci too! How cute is that cow?!
I mentioned she's obsessed with daddy!
I couldnt get the picture to turn the right way, but I had to share the picture anyways. John ALWAYS writes his name on the leftover boxes whenever we go out and claims it all as his. Well now he's adding Savannah's and leaving me out even more! lol. I know I said she's obsessed with him, but it's definitely mutual! *cue the eye rolls from mama* haha :D
Savannah still doesn't like naps at daycare or amoxicillin. Unfortunately, we experienced her first sickness :( I knew it was bound to happen in daycare, but it's not fun! Luckily, she's a happy baby when she's sick and the only reason we even knew she was sick was because she had diarrhea. We took her to the doctor and we found out that had a trifecta- a cold, stomach bug, and an ear infection
😔 Our hearts broke for her! We could definitely tell at times she didnt feel like herself :( But mostly she was still her happy self.
What do you mean I'm sick?!
Two weeks later she was sick again :( This time with bronciolitis and another ear infection :(. She REALLY doesnt like amoxicillin. Maybe because it's cold and she doesnt eat anything cold? Not sure. But it sure is challenging giving it to her! and for 10 days!
Sick but happy!
Savannah's rolled over a few times now and has started to sleep even longer stretches at night- like 10-11 hours!!!(hopefully this keeps!) It is amazing watching her learn and grow. Her smiles and laughs are our favorite!!! She's started "talking" too and it's precious!
Talking to daddy one morning!
We also started swaddling an arm out! I wasnt sure how that was going to go since she LOVED being swaddled, but she actually started getting one arm out on her own. Then we just stopped wrapping one. Phew! LOL.
One of her last times swaddled with both arms
One arm out!
We celebrated our first Valentines together! She made us the sweetest little card at school :D The Kinlaws were gracious enough to babysit one night during the week so we could have a date! We had tickets when I was pregnant to see the Wood Brothers, but if you remember it got rescheduled. Well it was rescheduled to the day before Valentines day, so we made it our date. We went out to dinner and then had a great time at the show!
Happy Valentines Day!
So Sweet!!
Wasnt thrilled about a picture...
But he humors me :D
Savannah and I made her teachers a little something for valentines day too! While I was being crafty, I made a picture collage for Savannah's crib at daycare too :D 
I also started back at PNC this month. My boss there is great and didnt schedule me a ton. It was SO hard working two jobs and not seeing her at all. It was also exhausting. It's a really fun job though, so my plan is to try and keep it up for now.
Of course Savannah doesnt like to nap much at daycare :( So when she gets home she's usually ready for a nap. We usually stick with the swing since she's fussy and doesnt want to get put down. But it works like a charm. The Snug-a-bunny is a life saver in our house!
Snuggling with Lamby!
We had a few play dates with Mason! They love each other already and it's so cute :D We celebrated Mason turning 6 months old too!
Baby BFFs!
Old best friends with new best friends!
Hold my hand Mason!
We snagged a family picture after John took Mason's 6 months pics :D
She has a hard time napping at daycare, so of course one day when I pick her up, she's actually napping :( I just waited until she woke up. She can also hold her on bottle at daycare now too! I love the smile from her highchair at school :D
I'll end this post with all of our selfies from the month :D well not ALL, but a few :D