John saying “See ya later!” and of course he loves his Wolfpack! ☺
This is where we stopped for lunch on the way down. We saw a billboard for it on I95 and decided we would stop because we were starving! When we pulled up it looked a little sketchy, but turned out to be a really nice “mom and pop” shop with AMAZING food! Seriously! When we drive back home we have already decided we would stop there again.
FLORIDA! Home sweet home! Now that we are at the top- we still have the whole length to go. Lol However, we stopped at my mawmaw’s and papa’s in Greenville, Fl. We wanted to visit them and figured we would break up the drive. 9 hours of driving was good enough for one day! We made really good timing though and had a really fun time ☺ I love road trips- especially with my crazy hubby. ☺
When we got to my mawmaw’s she had a whole amazing meal cooked for us! It was delicious, home cooked, country food- nothing better than that! We had a great time with them chatting and hanging out- great end to the day!
The next morning we got back up earrrrrrly, ate an amazing breakfast my mawmaw made and then headed out. Just to show you how far we had to go- the green dot is where we were and the red is where we were headed!
This is John and mines excited faces for being headed on our way and almost to Miami!
We made amazing time and so we decided to stop and take our time eating lunch. We stopped in Port St. Lucie at this sports bar and had a delicious lunch ☺
¡Bienvenido a miami! WE MADE IT!!! - so excited ☺
And to top off our trip we ran into the real mascot on the way to our apartment! It’s an ibis!
Home sweet home ☺
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