They flew in yesterday at 9am and have now seen south beach and eaten at our amazing dininghall here on campus. yes, it is actually amazing food. :D good thing too because John and I eat there every lunch and dinner for the most part to save money. Doing that we will be able to save SO much! :D (hopefully :D)
Anyway, we have tons of stuff planned so far! including, a trip to the bahamas on a day cruise! AHH! i am SO excited about that one! i will keep you posted on what we plan and do. :D
So I was trying to find a picture of the four of us to post and couldnt find one of us that was not at our wedding or theirs that did not have other people in it! this is CRAZY! then it made me really sad because most of the pictures include our other best friends, Krystal and Josh, and while this trip will be awesome, it just wont be the same without them here. So, here is a picture of all 6 of us. It's me and John, Krystal and Josh, and then AJ and Kristen. Wish ya'll were here Krystal and Josh!

Here's to the best weekend here yet!
Miss you all & I wish we could be there too! Actually, today I just wish we were all in Raleigh tailgating :-/ I'm sure today's game will be better than the one in the pic...good times! ;-)