We had a 2 week vacation :D We left for Raleigh on Friday Feb 24th and went back to work on July 11 :D It was AWESOME! :D Let me start at the beginning!
We left around 12pm. I was SO excited I could barely stand it. haha. We got Wendy's on the way out, stopped by the store for some caffeine and doggy treats, dropped off mail, and hit the road!
All set:D
Carter was ready too! (the black thing is a dog hammock for the car- i LOVE it! gets all the hair. haha and he doesnt fall on the floor ever ;D)
I told John that at the first Bojangles we had to stop. Of course he was on the same page. haha
We ended up stopping in Jacksonville, FL. We let Carter our first and walked him a bit (he slept the ENTIRE way!!) then went it! I was SO excited! haha I was smiling so big that the guy who took our order asked another guy making our food why I was so happy. Of course I heard and I said I was excited to eat at Bojangles, because we didnt have any in Miami. The guy making our food goes, "Are you excited enough to do a back flip and a cartwheel?" I told him I didnt know how to do a back flip. Then he said "If you do cartwheels across the floor and let me tape it, I'll give you two free boberry biscuits." I ALMOST did it! haha BUT I didnt want to be known as the Bojangles girl on YouTube. haha :D I got a 4pc supreme dinner and could only eat half! My stomach is so much smaller than it used to be. I ate the whole thing anyway. lol my belly hurt SO bad!!
Anyway, we continued our way home listening to music, talking, and whatnot :D we got to Raleigh at 3am. John's mom woke up and met Carter and insisted on taking him for walk. haha. Afterwards John and I passed out! Traveling makes me so tired! I have NO idea how Carter went back to sleep after sleeping for 13 hours in the car, but he slept another 7 AND didnt wake us up! SUCH a good puppy!!
I held Carter for a little bit, it didnt last long. lol
After that we showered and my family came over for a cookout. :D We introduced Carter to them and then went in to eat! We had a HUGE meal (thanks Dad Martin!) and it was DELICIOUS! It was nice to catch up with both families and be able to spend time with both at the same time :D Of course we got some pictures!
John, Julie, and Carter!
The sweet new ride!
Me and Kristen in the back!
We went back to John's parents that night (that's where we stayed most of the time) and fell asleep. I slept in and made it so John and I couldnt go to church :( . I Just really wanted to feel better because we had so much fun stuff planned!
Sunday we went over to my mom's house and had pizza. They surprised us with an anniversary cookie cake and an AWESOME model of Carter-Finely Stadium!!! It's SO going in the State Room! (Pics to come soon of the apartment!). Anyway, we met Chris's girlfriend and played with Carter some. His girlfriend, Shelby, was really sweet:D We also played Wits and Wages (SO MUCH FUN AND I WON! HAHA).
Uncle Chris!
After lunch with my family we had plans to go to Hutch's to swim! We went over there and I took a nap on the couch because I was not feeling any better (that and my sister's cats made me more stuffy) Soon after that Kristen and AJ showed up, along with Kaity, Thomas, and Rick! I got up feeling a little better and got in the pool with them all. The pool made me feel lots better! We threw Carter in the pool and he did not like it at all at first! I think it was too cold for him. After teasing him with a noodle for awhile, we thought he may jump back in, but he was too hesitant. We got him in again and he didnt seem to mind it too much.Anyway, it was nice catching up with all of them and for getting to spend time with our godson! He also loved Carter, or at least Carter loved him. Carter loves kids and just wants to jump on them and lick them in the face. haha. I think he likes them because they are small like him. Who knows :D
Chillin' in the pool! :D
The "dont put me back in that pool" face. haha
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