I was SO excited when my staff started arriving and training started. While I am not a fan of the long hours, I was really excited to work with a staff that I was responsible for hiring. Every time I have hired a staff, I have moved. So these are my babies :D
I am not going to go through each day of training with you, because that would be boring. BUT the Sunday after they all arrived we had a day of staff development. I had arranged for us all to go kayaking. :D We went for the first half of the day and then we did team builders in a park near by. We had SO much fun! Here are some pics:
Me with one of my RAs...I love John's face in the back ground! LOL
The rest of training was dedicated to actually training the RAs on things they will need to know for the year. We also did some more team building and getting to know each other. I LOVE my staff. They all get along so well and I know this year is going to be awesome and not carry with it all the drama from last year :D Now there are 19 of them and 4 desk assistants, so I know there will be issues, BUT I am very ready to have an amazing first full year as an Area Director with an AWESOME staff.
Yesterday marked the first full day of opening! Crazy busy but exciting. I'll just be glad when all these kids are checked in and I can go back to a more normal routine! Getting up at 5am and working till 7 just isnt cutting it. haha
Carter doesnt like it either. He has more victims. Both victims are the molding to our walls....:(
When I got home from work on Tuesday night I found the first wall damage :(
It was the first time Carter had been alone for 8 hours straight. I usually come home during lunch and play with him some and give him a treat, but I was too busy to on Tuesday. We figured he was really mad at us so that was why he did it. He was in his crate when I got home and he wouldnt even get up. He knew he was in BIG trouble! John got home a few minutes late and we locked him in his crate for a little bit. Afterewards we let him out and played with him.
Yesterday, I gave him good long walk before work and then again at lunch. He was only home for a 1 1/2 by himself afterwards and got the wall again! UGH! We thought it was because he wasnt getting walked enough, but now we think it may also have something to do with all the students moving back in. He barks and growls at them when they make noise. lol. Maybe it's a combo of being mad we are gone so much and the noise he's not used to? Either way he's gotta be locked in his crate until we know he wont tear up our walls. *sigh* I hate him being locked in his crate.
Well, here's to a great opening and sleep when it's over!
I know it sucks, but you have to admit it's kind of funny that both our pups chewed molding for the first time in the same week!