Tuesday, October 18, 2011
So far from home...
While it's not a super emergency or anything and I know my family is in great hands, it's just hard not being able to be there to comfort them when they are going through something difficult for them.
Last night, my brother called me to tell me that my mom's Sunday school school was in a car accident and they didnt know if she was going to make it or not. They were headed up to the hospital, but wanted us to pray for her and her family.
This morning I woke up and I found out that she had passed away. I dont know why but I started crying and I have felt on the verge of tears all day. I didnt know this woman, but she had a profound impact on my mom and brothers lives, as well as her church. I am also so saddened because I know this lady was there for my mother when my dad passed away and I know this must be very tough on her. Not only that, but having just lost a parent not that long ago, I feel the pain that their family must be feeling and my heart aches for them.
Of course nobody will answer their dang phones at home, so I havnt even been able to talk to my mom or brother yet:( It's driving me crazy. I'll update you when I know more.
Anyway, please be praying for the Rhodes family, and all that knew Mrs. Rhodes, as they go through this terrible loss.
Charming Charlie
If you are interested, check out their website! http://www.charmingcharlie.com/home
<3 That is all :D
Sunday, October 16, 2011
I am not really sure why this is- it could be a number of things. For one, John isnt much of a shopper either. So it's just always worked for us. I also didnt grow up with a ton of money, so I have always been super conscientious of what I spend. I mean, I usually feel bad for spending money on stuff that I need, let alone stuff I just want for fun.
Well, luckily I married a man that is also very careful with his money. As many of you know, I took the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace class and learned a TON about money, budgets, and savings. Between this class and John, I have become even more money savvy :D Now we have budgets for everything! Which means, I have money that I can spend on stuff that I need without feeling guilty for it. We also have something called a "blow budget". We each have one (not a ton of money in it, obviously) and can spend it on anything we WANT. My heart just doesnt know how take all of this! It's so nice to be in a secure financial place that John and I are able to have all this. We are very blessed :D
Why am I telling you all of this? Well, yesterday I found my most favorite store ever in the whole wide world. I went to a birthday party of a friend and stopped at her favorite store to get her a present. She lives kind of far, so even though shes told me about all the magic of this place, I hadnt been there yet. Well I stopped there to get her a present and good thing I planned on spending some time there! IT'S AMAZING! It's called Charming Charlie and it's FULL of every accessory you can imagine. AND it's all divided into colors. *sigh* my heaven on earth!
Well I knew I was going ahead of time, so I told John I would probably end up spending this months blow money there. and I did. and I got some super cute things! I have wanted for a long time to extend my collection of costume jewelry and this was the place! OF COURSE I got a matching red necklace and earring set:D The red section was the first place I went. Duh. I came out with a ton of new earring and necklaces- more earrings than necklaces though. I really like both, but I like earrings more :D I will have to point them out in pictures as I wear them.
I plan on saving my blow money up again and going there and getting some scarfs, shoes, a purse or two, headbands, etc. The best part of all is that most of this stuff is REALLY inexpensive, but doesnt look cheap.SCORE! :D That's what every girl wants, right? Anyway, I didnt spend that much at all and I still felt guilty buying it! I know I have the money, but maybe it's just ingrained in me right now still. Maybe it will go away one day? But hopefully, some of it wont because I always plan to be careful with my money and want to always feel grateful for it too. I dont think that will be a problem though :D
Anyway, today I went shopping again! who am i?! I wanted to get some new work clothes, since I always wear the same thing. I started with Target because John needed some things from there. I got really excited walking up to Target because I realized I had so much to look at! haha. I ended up starting my card collection, gift collection, and found some really cute things in the dollar bins. I also found some other awesome deals and got some stuff for our trip. Then I went Old Navy and got some clothes. They were having a great sale, so I also got John some new shirts. I didnt get a ton because Old Navy didnt have a TON of stuff I liked, but I did find a few cute things! I want to go to Ross at some point too, but the Ross close to us is awful and I didnt want to drive to the other one. But it was a successful trip and I had a lot of fun :D
Did I mention I went shopping today BY MYSELF!? That is also something I would have never done before. However, I like this new sense of independence that I have! and I really like shopping by myself. I dont have someone hurrying me along, I dont have to look at a bunch of stuff I dont want to look at, and I dont feel like I am wasting anyone else's time. I also just got to browse and look at things only I wanted to look at! It was AWESOME :D Of course I still felt somewhat guilty for spending money, but I know we have it saved in a budget so it's okay :D What a great feeling.
Anyway, I am SUPER excited to wear my new stuff and will do my best to take pictures so you can see it all :D I also know that Charming Charlie will end up with a lot of my money before I leave Florida. lol At least I will look cute!
and alas, I have found that I truly do like to shop. :D
Friday, October 14, 2011
25 things to do recap and a NEW list!
So here is my list and my progress on each item. Bold black will be completed, Italicized will be in progress, and red will be what I didn’t do at all. THEN a NEW list for 26 things to do!
1.Run a 5K-not quite there, but I am on week 7 of couch to 5k out of 9 weeks! SO CLOSE!
2. Read 15 books- CHECK!
-The Three Signs of Miserable Job by Patrick Lencioni
-Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath
-The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
-The Wedding by Nicolas Sparks
-Choosing a Dog For Dummies by Chris Walkowicz
-Idiots guide to getting and owning a dog by Sheila Webster Boneham
-Training your Labrador Retriever by September Morn
-Labrador Retrievers (dont remember the author)
-Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
-Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris
-Club Dead by Charlaine Harris
-Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris
-Dead as a Door Nail by Charlaine Harris
-Definitely Dead by Charlaine Harris
–All Together Dead by Charlaine Harris
3. Be able to do 5 unassisted pull ups- not even close :D
4. Lose 45ish lbs- I lost 15! Only 20/25 more to go- I believe it’s very possible and WILL happen this year!
5. Go Skydiving- too expensive :(
6. Learn how to speak enough Spanish to communicate with Spanish speaking people- I have been practicing, but not like I should.
7. Finish scrapbooking my wedding- CHECK!
8. Create a family tree- I didn’t even start, on my list to do at Christmas
9. See a waterfall- CHECK! Thanks to my wonderful husband and in-laws!
10. Deeply study part of the Bible- I started to study the gospels, but I didn’t get to where I wanted to be
11. Go paint balling- I have not yet- but I have Groupon ready to go!
12. Travel to at least 5 different places in Florida- CHECK!
-Key Largo
-West Palm Beach
-Ft. Lauderdale
13. Try yoga- CHECK- hate it!
14. Learn how to sail a sailboat- Have not done this, BUT I have a groupon already purchased!!
15. Watch a rocket launch- The timing with this just never worked out This is one I am probably most bummed about.
16. Do 25 random things with/or for John- CHECK :D
17. Make a difference in someone’s life- CHECK! Luckily, I work with students on a daily basis and this one is pretty easy to accomplish. The hard part is not always knowing the impact you had one them.
18. Watch 25 movie classics- womp womp. I only watched 9. That’s’ just sad.
19. Learn to play the guitar- I started to learn!
20. Learn racquetball- No. We quit the gym when we started p90x.
21. Read a book on a subject I’ve never have thought of reading- YES! Dogs!!
22. Learn how to sing (carry a tune ) ;)- haha. Nope.
23. Volunteer in Miami or the surrounding area- not yet But I have started working with our service leadership department on campus, so this will be easy to do this year!
24. Get life insurance- no :(
25. Learn all the words to a rap song- NO! I had a hard time figuring out a stupid song to pick. I just need to pick one and get over it. Lol
Even though I didnt finish everything and a lot is still in progress I feel good about the year :D
AND I have a new list! Some of the things in progress have been moved over to the new list because I still want to complete them :D Hopefully, this is a more attainable list this year!
1) Try 5 new restaurants
2) Go see 5 different live bands
3) Start the AFs top 100 movies (15)
4) Volunteer
5) Run a 5k in memory of my dad (I would love to make this annual)
6) Lose the rest of my unwanted weight (20/25lbs)
7) Read 15 books
8) Scrapbook our honeymoon
9) Scrapbook our first year with Carter
10) Create a Family tree
11) Go Paintballing
12) Learn to Sail
13) Learn to play a song on the guitar
14) Get life insurance
15) Try 10 new recipes
16) Attempt to brew beer
17) Send a “just because card” to 10 different people in my life
18) Find a church
19) Teach Carter 5 new tricks
20) Do 26 random things with or for John
21) Do 26 random acts of kindness for other people
22) Decorate for each holiday in our home (start collecting items for each holiday!)
23) Start a card/gift collection (you know for those times when you don’t have time to go out and buy something- I would love to already have stuff on hand!)
24) Get a massage
25) Compile a book/ recipe box with all of my favorite recipes
26) Add 5 new things to our State room
Here is to another amazing year!
Friday Favorites
1) Taking Monday off- that means it was only a 4 day week! It was a long one, but it would have been longer if I hadnt taken Monday off. Plus, who doesnt love a little relaxation :D
2) Modern Family- OH MY GOODNESS- extremely funny and one of my favorite shows of the season!! That and Happy Endings and the Ringer! SO excited about the Wednesday night line up! Now I just need to find a way to record these shows when I miss them! Stupid Direct TV. lol
3) Running!- Yes this is a favorite this week. I have not been doing the amount the Couch to 5k requires, but it's been disgusting outside- so I am doing the best that I can. I went 3 times this week even though I took Monday off and slept in Tuesday. It makes me feel so much better :D Plus I really feel like I am losing weight! :D
4) Carter- He always makes me smile and is usually a favorite of mine. He cuddled with me really good last night :D
5) Getting ready for our vacation!- Ive been talking to Krystal a lot this week to get ready for our trip next week! I cant wait to get away from here and into some fallness and spend time with our best friends!
I am not going to lie- I struggled to get those 5 out. It's been a long week and I have just been tired and in a bad mood. I think it's just because I am drained. Well here is to a quick 2 days of work next week and an awesome vacation! :D
Fantasy Football Update
THIS WEEK: I play that handsome husband of mine...dun dun dun...
Hopefully this does not turn out badly :D Currently, I am projected to win. Here is to hoping there are no fights in the Martin household this weekend! haha :D
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
This past weekend...
I dont even remember what else we really did that day. lol. I just remember it being an awesome day of relaxing and spending time together- MUCH needed!
Sunday was a FULL day for me. Each year, for the past 7 years, Mahoney has put on a pageant. The pageant determines who is Mister and Miss Mahoney for the year and they get to ride in the homecoming parade. I spent SO MUCH time working on planning this event. I had a group of 4 RAs help me, but it was still a ton of work. Sunday was the big event and I spent most of the day finishing sashes, getting a stage, decorating, and preparing for the event. I'll have to add pictures later because I dont have them yet- but it went really well! I was VERY please with how it turned out :D I am even more pleased that it's over. haha.
Since I had to work all day Sunday, I took Monday off. Luckily, John had Monday off too! We had planned to go to the beach, but decided that since he had a dentist appointment and a little bit of work to do that we would just relax around the apartment again. We ended up decorating for fall some! YAY! Our collection will be a growing one :D Since this is the first year we started, there isnt a ton yet- but one day there will be! haha. I also cleaned the apartment and did a lot of laundry. I love when the apartment feels clean! Then we watched some Monday Night Football and hung out. Carter loved that we were home for an extra day!! :D
Some of our decorations!
When you first walk in...
Anyway, it was really nice to take Monday off. I need a vacation bad. Luckily, we leave next week for Maryland! We usually pack those FULL of activities, so it was nice to have a relaxing day at home. However, I cant wait to get away for awhile!!
Carter Updates
On one of our walks last week, we came upon another dog (like usual), and the owner asked if Carter was friendly. I told him that Carter was very friendly and then we let them sniff each other. Well, his dog then snapped at Carter and bit him! I didnt realize that it was bad until later that day :( He has a nasty cut on his neck. He kept scratching it and not letting it heal, so we had to get him a cone last night. He hates it. He was so mad at John after he put it on him.
Look at that face :( my poor baby.
Anyway, since he has that cut on his neck- no pinch collar for him. and he was AWFUL to run with this morning. I am not sure if it's because he has some freedom from the pinch collar or he just went crazy. Stupid dog darted after another dog into oncoming traffic. Ugh. The rest of the time he kept pulling and cutting me off and tripping me up. I was so irritated at him. BUT then during lunch, he was MUCH better- so who knows. We really need to work on training him on the leash better, I think we kind of stopped some when we put the pinch collar on him. We definitely need to get better at that.
Other than that he's doing good. He LOVES bullysticks and has already gone through all of the ones we bought, so we got some more. We also got him a treat ball- it's supposed to stimulate a dogs mind and make him think about how to get the treats out. It's really funny watching him play with it because he smacks it against everything:
Silly puppy.
I also love when he sleeps like this :D Overall, he's good. Mom and Dad just have a lot of work to do with him!My Birthday!
My birthday was awesome! John and I had already celebrated in September with the concert- which was the best birthday present in the whole wide world! AND my staff had the party I mentioned in my last post. So, I felt set. haha I felt like my birthday was awesome at that point already. BUT it got even better!
Unfortunately, on Thursday I left work with a migraine (I almost threw up in my Office Supervisors office it was so bad). It came on out of nowhere, so I think that's why it was so bad. I went home and slept and took some migraine medicine. WELL, the silver lining to this was my co-worker, Leslie, and Office supervisor, Tracy, decorated my office for my birthday on Friday :D When I got to work the next morning I walked into a fall wonderland! I love that they know me so well, that they knew it would be perfect!! I had a beautiful wreath on my door and they COVERED my office in leaves! They hung a birthday sign and had me a pumpkin basket full of goodies :D It was PERFECT. If you remember last year, I decorated my office with leaves because I missed the fall, but this year I decided it was too much work. lol BUT they did it! I am going to leave it up until Christmas! lol
The Wreath..:D
My office! AMAZING.
A little while after I got to work, my family had a bouquet of birthday balloons delivered to me :D I felt beyond special!!
Then for lunch I was going to go out Leslie and Tracy for lunch and few others came too. John told me he couldnt make it- but he surprised me and showed up!! I was BEYOND excited! lol We went to Chili's because it's always been a favorite of mine. We had a good time :D
After that we got ready and went out to dinner with my faculty master, Dr. Moore, associate faculty master, Monica and her husband, Tracy and her husband, and Anthony and his girlfriend. Dr. Moore had planned this with me a long time ago and it was really nice of him and all of them to go out and celebrate my birthday with me. He took us to the Cheesecake Factory. I ate WAY too much food and still had so much I had a whole meal the next morning. lol. By the time the cheesecake came, I could only take a bite. They have pumpkin pecan cheesecake- and OH MY GOODNESS it was delicious! We all had a good time and again it was so nice of him to take us out. By the time I got home, I was pooped from the day! haha.
I did have one more present when I got home and John let me open it. It hadnt arrived by the time we left for dinner since Fedex was moving slow. But I opened it up and it was from Carter! haha. He got me a book of 101 tricks to teach him. He told me it got two paws up. I love John for doing that for me :D He's the best and of course it was SO sweet of Carter to think of me that way.
Anyway, It may have been my birthday but I fell fast asleep not long after that. lol It was an amazing day and I was birthdayed out!
Thanks to all the family, friends, coworkers, and of course my amazing husband that made my birthday SO awesome :D
A lot of work...
Last Thursday I went on duty. UGH. Usually, I am one of the lucky ones that doesnt get many calls. NOT THIS TIME. In fact, it was the worst duty week I have ever had in all my years from being an RA to now. It was rough. Thursday I had a few calls in the middle night, but Friday was one of th worst nights. I was up ALL night- from 11-4am. I ended up sleeping on the couch so I didnt keep waking John up (he had to work Saturday morning really early, so I wanted to let him get as much rest as he could).
After I FINALLY was able to get some sleep- I thought I would sleep in pretty late, but I didnt. My body is just so used to waking up around 8 now. I managed to sleep in some, but then I got up and went and got some food with John. John got home earlier than he thought he would- YAY! :D After breakfast we took Carter to the dog park to let out some of that amazing energy he has.
We let Carter run and play with the other dogs for about an hour and then we hopped over the fence and let him swim in the lake. Lots of other dogs do it, so we thought-why not!? Anyway, he LOVED it! He fetched a frisbee and tennis ball for us (really well!) and would swim pretty deep to get them. Part of the time he would just swim deep for fun. lol. There were also a few other dogs swimming and she he played with them for a long time. We probably did that for another 45 minutes. He of course passed out in the car on the way home- but then STILL had more energy. I hope that's just the puppy in him. LOL.
The lake part of the dog park we go to

Yes, this really happened and it was AWESOME :D

Anyway, that Tuesday night my staff and I decided to cancel our staff meeting and have a staff development cookout :D John and I made the apartment look real nice :D John had convinced me to walk Carter because he didnt want to that evening and while I was gone, John had set up birthday balloons everywhere for me :D We finished getting all the food together and ready and when my staff arrived, they came with an AMAZING birthday card- in the form of a scrapbook! :D It was beyond sweet. They also brought me flowers and one of my RAs made me a homemade pumpkin cheesecake with white chocolate topping. YUM! THEN, Anthony, one of my co-workers showed up with another cake :D needless to say, I felt very special :D My staff and I spent the rest of the time eating and playing apples to apples. It was a lot of fun. I love my staff :D
Decorated apartment!
YAY! My staff is awesome :D I am VERY glad my duty week is over though :D