Last Thursday I went on duty. UGH. Usually, I am one of the lucky ones that doesnt get many calls. NOT THIS TIME. In fact, it was the worst duty week I have ever had in all my years from being an RA to now. It was rough. Thursday I had a few calls in the middle night, but Friday was one of th worst nights. I was up ALL night- from 11-4am. I ended up sleeping on the couch so I didnt keep waking John up (he had to work Saturday morning really early, so I wanted to let him get as much rest as he could).
After I FINALLY was able to get some sleep- I thought I would sleep in pretty late, but I didnt. My body is just so used to waking up around 8 now. I managed to sleep in some, but then I got up and went and got some food with John. John got home earlier than he thought he would- YAY! :D After breakfast we took Carter to the dog park to let out some of that amazing energy he has.
We let Carter run and play with the other dogs for about an hour and then we hopped over the fence and let him swim in the lake. Lots of other dogs do it, so we thought-why not!? Anyway, he LOVED it! He fetched a frisbee and tennis ball for us (really well!) and would swim pretty deep to get them. Part of the time he would just swim deep for fun. lol. There were also a few other dogs swimming and she he played with them for a long time. We probably did that for another 45 minutes. He of course passed out in the car on the way home- but then STILL had more energy. I hope that's just the puppy in him. LOL.
The lake part of the dog park we go to

Yes, this really happened and it was AWESOME :D

Anyway, that Tuesday night my staff and I decided to cancel our staff meeting and have a staff development cookout :D John and I made the apartment look real nice :D John had convinced me to walk Carter because he didnt want to that evening and while I was gone, John had set up birthday balloons everywhere for me :D We finished getting all the food together and ready and when my staff arrived, they came with an AMAZING birthday card- in the form of a scrapbook! :D It was beyond sweet. They also brought me flowers and one of my RAs made me a homemade pumpkin cheesecake with white chocolate topping. YUM! THEN, Anthony, one of my co-workers showed up with another cake :D needless to say, I felt very special :D My staff and I spent the rest of the time eating and playing apples to apples. It was a lot of fun. I love my staff :D
Decorated apartment!
YAY! My staff is awesome :D I am VERY glad my duty week is over though :D
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