However, one of my RAs decided to leave UM. :( That made me very sad. He was such an amazing person and a superb RA! However, I completely support his decision (it was truly a good one) and I wish him well. Here's a pic of Sam:
I'll miss you A LOT.
1) Pinterest. I. AM. ADDICTED. I know I would love it, so I avoided it. BUT I caved this week and am not hooked. It's the most awesome sight ever!! I cant wait to try some of the recipes, crafts, and DIY projects! AH! I could literally sit on it all day. I will no longer be as productive as I once was. BUT I enjoy it :D haha
2) Fall Shopping! I freaking LOVE the fall! I had to go halloween shopping for my building (I wanted to go early so there was still a good selection) and my sweet husband decided to go with me so we could get some awesome stuff for our apartment :D I HAD so much fuN! I really felt like a kid in a candy store for the first time. :D However, John wont let me put anything up set since it's still September. lol. We got a mix of fall decorations and a few halloween things to put up in our apartment. I am stoked and cannot wait to decorate! He did let me put out our new mat, but that's it for now. haha It makes me smile every time I see it!
3) I FINISHED WEEK 6 OF COUCH TO 5K!!!! This is a HUGE accomplishment for me! I have never made it this far in the program. I usually get bored and stop. BUT I am determined to finish now :D It's like a challenge to me. I beleive that I am going to do week 6 again because the amount of running jumps significantly from week 6 to week 7 and I dont think I am ready for that yet. I struggled this week. Partly do to the freaking heat and 80%+ humidity and partly because I have never been a runner. I think after 1 more week of week 6 I should be good to try the next level. And since there are only 9 weeks- I am SO close to running a 5k! I may be slow, but at least I will be able to run the entire thing! :D
4) Carter falling asleep in my arms. precious. John and I took him to the dog park this week and he got FILTHY. So we had to give him a bath. It was about time for one anyways. After the bath and drying him off as much as we could, we let him air dry some and then I went to bed. Carter followed so I pulled him up in bed with me. I snuggled with him like a teddy bear. Usually he'll leave and go lay on the end of the bed when I do that, but I guess he was too tired the time. All the sudden I heard him snoring! SUPER cute :D he stayed until John came to bed and we moved him to his crate. He snuggled real good with me though!
5) The beach this past Saturday :D John and I hit the beach again this past weekend. It was such a perfect beach day. or so we thought. lol it was great when we got there, but then it started raining on us. We thought it may pass so we waited it out. The rain drops were SO cold! We got in the ocean because it was warmer there. lol After about 10 minutes it finally stopped and the sun came back out. We actually had a really good time in the rain :D It was fun. More clouds started rolling in after awhile and we didnt see any end to them, so we left after a few hours. It was just the right amount of time though. I love spending time like that with John. :D AND I got a slight tan ;D
Unfortunately, I am on duty this weekend :( I hope it's quiet, but we shall see. On a MUCH brighter note- MY BIRTHDAY IS NEXT FRIDAY! YAY! :D I bet you cant guess what one of my friday favorites might be next week ;D lol.
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Yay for Fall decorations! I got some put up, but I don't think I'll ever get around to posting pictures. Haha.