I was BEYOND excited! I have only ever been to one other concert AND Brad and Blake happen to be some of my all time favorite singers. The hubs did a beyond great job :D The concert was this past Saturday, so John and I got up pretty early and made sure to take Carter to the dog park. We wanted him to be worn out since he would be alone for part of the day. I had asked one of my RAs to come hang out with him that evening, and she said yes- so he wasnt alone for long :D
Anyway, after the dog park- which is always awesome for Carter- we came back and got ready. The concert wasnt until that night but we wanted to leave early so we could watch the game. The concert was all the way in West Palm Beach (about an hour and a half away) so we had planned to go to a sports bar and watch the Pack play, then head to the concert. Before we left, I packed us a picnic to have at the concert since they let you take food in.
On the drive up, it rained and rained, so we decided to get some ponchos since I couldnt find ours before we left. I love road trips, so of course I had fun on the ride up. We listened to Brad and Blake to get ready for the show ;D. We decided to watch the game at a place called Duffy's. It was actually the first place we ate at when we moved to Florida (not this specific location-it's a chain). It has an awesome football atmosphere. When we got there it was pretty empty so our waiter put on our game for us. YAY! Our game was on, the ECU game was on, and the Carolina game- it felt like home :D We ordered some drinks and an appetizer and had a really good time. Well, besides us sucking it up majorly anyway. Who loses to WF? UGH. Anyway, we decided that we would also split an entree since we both were not that hungry. We ordered THE ULTIMATE CRABCAKE SANDWICH. and it was one of the best things I have ever eaten! It was a delicious crabcake with bacon, avocado, and spicy chipotle sauce. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. We both LOVED it and I will try to make it sometime now. lol.
We left during the 4th because we wanted to make sure we didnt miss any of the concert. We got there and parking was $20!! yikes. We kept following the signs and parked in one of the back lots- and NOBODY charged us! WOOT! It wasnt even that far from the arena. Boy did we luck out. haha We found a really good spot to sit too- it was kinda high up on the grass, but it was dead center and could have been much higher. We lucked out again! When we got there the first act was on and he finished with the only song we knew by him. PERFECT TIMING! Then *sigh* Blake Shelton came on. He was amazing! He played all my favorite songs and was just SO good!
Us Goofing off :D We had such a great time :D
During his show, we found that I had two little admirers sitting next to us. I am too nice. I need to be meaner. The boy about probably about 8 or so and the girl was 4. She wanted me to play with her and he wanted to talk to me like he was cool. When John left for the bathroom at one point, I played with her a little and asked the kid if he wanted to dance. He told me "No, last time I had 2 girls dancing with me, not just one like you." BHAHAHAHAHA. He also told me that I should stop smooching my friend. LOL. I finally had to tell the little girl I didnt want to play and I tried to get the little boy to leave us alone, but he kept trying to talk to us both. I really just need to stop being nice to everyone. haha
Next up, BRAD PAISLEY!!! I felt like a little teenager that just wanted to yell! I really couldnt have been any happier- THEN he played our wedding song!!!! It was perfect. I really could not have asked for a better birthday present than to hear our wedding song live and get to dance with my hubs while he sang it to me :D BEST HUSBAND AND BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!! I was sure he wouldnt play it because it's so slow- but he did! AHH! Brad also played all my favorite songs by him :D John and I also thought that he may not play his new song Remind Me because it's a duet with Carrie Underwood, but towards the end of his show he played it! AND CARRIE UNDERWOOD WAS THERE!!!! Again- little kid screaming right here. haha I had the BEST time. Words really cannot explain how much fun we had. In fact, I kept saying how much fun I had on Sunday and I believe it started to drive John crazy. lol.
Me and the hubs and BRAD!!!!!!!
YAY! Glad y'all had so much fun!