I was out on a walk with my sweet Carter and he was being really good today! I saw a bunch of ducks up ahead and was very focused on them because I knew he was going to go after them. He's done a really good job about not going after them if we dont let him, so I wasnt super worried, but focused to make sure to correct him if he tried.
Anyway, all the sudden we were near a tree and Carter lunges! Please remember that he has his pinch collar on so he doesnt go that far because it pinches him. That I had I had the leash close to me. So we were VERY close. I look down to see what he lunged at and I see all of these little baby ducklings running! One of them is squawking at Carter and I look and he has one in his mouth!! I freaked out! I made him drop it and luckily the little guy was okay. Then him and his brother ran towards the water with the others. Poor little guy was quacking and crying all at the same time. I cant help but laugh because it's funny, but I was scared then. lol. AND luckily the duckling is okay :D AND luckily there was no mama close by or I am sure Carter would have been sorry.
I called John freaking out and he was proud of Carter! LOL. and then he said "what do you expect? We let him chase the ducks all the time, he was bound to catch one sooner or later." haha. so true, I guess.
Carter walked home with his head held real high. He was so proud of himself too. silly pup!
The duckling looked like this: Very cute :D
I went and got a picture of the real one:D not sure which one it was, but here they all are!
So cute. I guess that is what he's bred to do. Haha.