Monday, November 21, 2011
This week...
I mentioned in a post last week that I was thinking about focusing on a bible verse each week- well I am going to start this with TWO verses.
1) God is love. If we keep on loving others, we will stay one in our hearts with God, and he will stay one with us. -1 John 4:16b
A few years ago I purchased a good called "My Daily Walk- 2007, Living a Live of Love".This is where I am going to pull most of my verses because I really would like to focus on love. :D Anyway, I made comments on this day back in 2007- it said "God is love. I need to remember this all the time. It's easy to forget when something upsets me. I think this book will allow me to remember the importance of love. I read yesterday about hate and have tried not to hate in my heart. It's hard though because some people really get on my nerves. I will try to pray when I feel like that. Pray for love :D" haha. It's funny how much has changed in 4 years, but at the same time it's interesting to see I still struggle with the same things. I think it will always be a struggle. BUT if I pray for love, it will help! :D So here is to loving others this week :D
2) Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I posted this one last week, but I think it's fitting for Thanksgiving! :D Remember to give thanks this week! :D
Happy Thanksgiving week! :D
Adult Truths
I retyped it because the image was hard to read. It was only then that I realized the numbers skip from 13 to 16. HAHA. :D
23 Adult Truths-
1) Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.
2)Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
3)I totally take back all those times I didnt want to nap when I was younger.
4) There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
5) How in the world do you fold a fitted sheet?
6) Was learning cursive really necessary?
7) Map Quest really needs to start their directions on#5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
8) Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.
9) I cant remember the last time I wasnt at least kind-of tired.
10) Bad decisions make good stories.
11) You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
12) Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I dont want to have to restart my collection....again.
13) I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page technical report that I swear I did not make any changes to.
16) I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Light than Kay.
17) I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Ghetto" routing options.
18) I have a hard time deciphering the find line between boredom and hunger.
19) How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didnt hear or understand a word they said?
20) I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers and sisters!
21) Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever.
22) Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and pinning the tail on the donkey- but I'd bet everyone can find and push the snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time.
23) The first tenacular guard, the "Cup," was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important. * Ladies.....Quite Laughing.
SO FUNNY! :D Happy Monday!!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Friday Favorites
1) New Girl- I LOVE this show. It's so stinking hilarious. :D Tracy introduced it to me and now we have a weekly lunch date on Wednesdays to watch it. I love Zooey Deschanel. She is SO funny.
2) I finished The Sookie Stackhouse Series! It was SO good. I dont like how the last book ended though :( and I have to wait until May for the next one to come out. *sigh* The series (all 11 books so far) is SO good though! I am sad it's over for now.
3) I finished a new project- I cant post what it is yet because it's Krystal's bday present and she reads my blog- but ITS AWESOME and I am SO proud it turned out so well! and it took a lot less time than I imagined. I finished it this week :D Pictures to come after Thanksgiving when I give it to her :D
4) Fantasy Football- I won last week! :D I am now officially in the playoffs. This week is looking promising also :D
5) Running- I have now finished running 3.1 miles a total of 5 times! I only did 2 yesterday. I wasnt planning on running yesterday though, but after the bad day I had, I decided to run instead of eating ice cream- good for me! haha. I am SO sore!
Happy Friday :D
Lesson Learned
I am ashamed to say it, but it's so easy to get caught up in gossip at work. Its the people I work with AND live with. But when you find out people are doing it you- boy that hurts. In a way, I am glad that I had a wake-up call. I am glad what people were saying behind my back wasnt that bad at all- and really I am lucky. It's really not even a big deal-apparently I dont dress professional enough sometimes. Well, thats an easy fix! I just wish someone would have told me earlier. Glad that was all people are saying behind my back, to be honest.
BUT it still hurts knowing people have been saying things behind my back. It's a real self-esteem killer. My ego took a huge hit yesterday. I was thinking about this last night and I am just as guilty of listening to others talk about others too. I dont do anything about it and I even chime in. I wont be doing this anymore. I dont want to be the source of someone else's pain. ESPECIALLY, when it's people you think you can count on. Lesson learned.
A few years ago a girl that I was really close to gave me a jar of bible quotes. The bible quote are on little pieces of paper and when I am having a bad day, I like to pull some out and read them. Well I did that this morning looking for some comfort and found some really good ones. Of course this was one I pulled out "You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgement on someone else, for at whatever points you judge the other, and you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgements do the same things" Romans 2:1- YEP. I've done the same thing. Shame on me. I need to post that one on my computer screen to always have in sight! I dont want to be apart of any of that kind of talk anymore.
The first bible verse I pulled out was 2 Corinthians 3: 12-14 and it reads "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." I pulled this one out and reached in for the next one and pulled out the same exact verse. Think God was trying to tell me something? I do. I dont want to forgive these people. Especially, the ones I thought were decent friends. I can just picture them all sitting around and laughing at me (I'm sure it wasnt this bad, but this is what my mind does to me) and I just want to smack them all. Actually, when I found out yesterday I wanted to do worse. Not very Christian of me, I know, but being honest I had some pretty mean thoughts about all of them. BUT if I want to follow the Lord, I know I have to put it all behind me and forgive. For goodness sakes, I am guilty of it too. What right do I have to be mad?
It's hard though. I feel like trust is gone. I guess that's why it's important to lean on the Lord and not on myself. This verse also helps "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an enternal glory that far outweights them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18. I got a lot out of this one. 1) the Lord forgives me. He forgives me for not focusing on him and for gossiping about others. 2) I need to turn my eyes to Him all the time. And nothing else matters. 3) He'll renew me from this pain.
Gossip lesson learned. Forgiveness lesson learned. Now I just need to remember a few things:
1) "A joyful heart makes a cheerful face." Proverbs 15:13
2)"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
I think I'll start doing a verse of the week to focus on- or something like that to help keep me more focused :D AND it's time to go shopping...
Friday, November 11, 2011
Pregnancy thoughts...
Anyway, my point for this blog is that all these babies have really made me start thinking about babies a lot lately- again NOT ready for them, but just thinking. If you know me, you know that all I have ever really wanted to be is a wife and a mom. Most of all- I just really want to be pregnant! haha. I think the feeling of someone growing in you, has to be the neatest feeling in the world- not only that but knowing it's God's creation made up of me and my wonderful husband. Incredible thought.
Last night, I was laying in bed, getting ready to fall asleep and I started thinking about just that- a baby growing inside me. And I am not going to lie- it FREAKED ME OUT. This is the first time ever that the thought of being pregnant has freaked me out. What's it going to feel like? Am I going to feel like a different person? Am I going to feel the baby constantly? Am I always going to feel like my tummy is stretching and be scared to lay certain ways?! Then I started thinking about John. How is he going to react to me being pregnant? How is he going to feel laying next to me knowing there is something growing inside of me? Will he still want to have sex with me? I dont know the answer to any of these questions and it STRESSED me out. I always thought that when I heard other women going through these same thoughts and emotions that they were silly, and they might still be and I may just be freaking out a little- I am not sure. BUT I am freaking out a little. Why? I have no idea. We dont plan to have kids for a few more years and this kind of freaking out just proves I am not ready. lol Maybe it's because it's happening all around me? Maybe it's because its a real possibility now? Maybe it's because I've dreamed about birthing a child twice in the past two weeks? I dont know. STRESSED OUT.
That's another thing- I've had these HORRIBLE dreams about having a baby. The pregnancy in my dreams have been fine, but in one of the dreams I delivered a dead baby and in the other I had the baby and they took it away from me and didnt take care of me afterwards and I died. UGH. Those are not fun to wake up after. and they feel SO real. Maybe that is really why I am freaking out. I really dont know.
Anyway, I know when the timing is right God will bless us with an amazing little baby and He will walk John and I through ever step and prepare us for whatever we are meant to deal with. I will continue to pray for healthy little ones, but know that whatever God blesses us with, it's His creation and I will be beyond happy.
Until then though- I may still freak out a little about the idea :D
Friday Favorites
1)I RAN A 5K!- not an official one where you get a number and stuff, but I did run 3.1 miles. :D! I have NEVER done that EVER and I am beyond proud of myself!!!! That last .1 mile was the worst. but i OWNED IT and kicked it's butt! haha the last 1.1 miles may have taken me 20 minutes, but by golly I finished it!!! :D
2) True Blood- I think this may be a favorite until I finish the books. I finished another book and am now on book 9! They are SO good :D
3) John has today off!- So I get to spend some time with him today and ALL weekend. I am very pumped about that because I had a lot of evening programs this week.
4) Carter- he's a favorite always, but also can be frustrating. The funny this for this week was I threw his toy into the hall and hit an electrical outlet and the cover fell off. He ran up to it and licked the outlet and got shocked. I felt so bad for him, but it was pretty funny. I am such a bad mom for thinking it's so funny. He learned his lesson tho and wont mess with the outlets anymore! He also finally started going down the hall again...hahaha The frustrating thing is he scratched back open the scab on his neck, so he is back in the dang cone. He ALSO did something to his tail so he has a band aid on it. he looks so pathetic. BUT he is great at cuddling :D
5) WE SHUT OUT CAROLINA!!!- I wanted to save the best for last :D AHHHH! IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!! :D YAY! I love my Wolfpack boys!!!!!
Happy Friday y'all! I plan to make this a great weekend :D and the count down to thanksgiving is 13 days, which means 12 until we are in RALEIGH!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday Favorites
1) My coffee this morning- I got some new creamer. It's cinnamon vanilla and it's AMAZING! I think I will be drinking coffee every morning now. haha
2) I RAN FOR 30 MINUTES! I have never done that ever in my life! I am so proud of myself. 30 minutes is supposed to be a 5k- but it was only 2.5 miles for me right now. lol I am slow. I'll get there tho. SO very happy!
3) Convertible- It's homecoming for Miami and Mahoney's Mister and Miss Mahoney are in the parade, which means I get to drive a convertible for the night. I want one SO bad!!!
4) True Blood- I finished another book last night and went and got the last 3 today. SO excited to read them!!!
5) Halloween!- I LOVE Halloween :D I think it's either my favorite holiday or second favorite. I havnt decided yet. haha Anyway, it was a lot of fun! I just wish we were home to dress up with our friends. One day! :D
Happy Friday!
Double Date!
Well the haunted house was pretty lame. lol but it was fun to go. Afterwards, we stopped by Applebee's to get dinner to-go. Well they had a pretty good deal- 2 for $10, which was an appetizer or dessert and an entree. We couldnt pass that up, but it was dine in only, so we decided stay. We ended up having a bad experience with the hostess and our food took FOREVER to get to us. We were there for well over an hour and Danielle asked to speak to the manager because we still didnt have any food. After our appetizers came out, Danielle spoke to the manager and got our entrees boxed to go. The manager was also really nice and took more than half of our bill off and gave us a gift card to come back. She really made up for the bad experience :D
John and I at Applebee's
Seth and Danielle! they are so cute :D
After we got our food, we headed to our apartment and watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It was okay, but it was fun to watch a scary movie on Halloween :D
Sunday we have another double date with them to go paint balling- SO EXCITED! :D
Halloween Murder Mystery!
I also cooked a bunch of desserts for them! I was really excited about this because I dont have a lot of people to try new recipes on or to bake for, so I thought this would be a good opportunity! I baked for about 5 hours. I was SO tired- but again it was worth it. Everything came out great :D I was able to try a lot of the recipes I pinned to pinterest :D My menu included: Pumpkin Pillows, Candy Corn Cheesecake Mousse, Pumpkin muffins, Nutter Butter Ghost cookies, Witch Finger cookies, mini pumpkin pies, white chocolate covered pretzels, apples and caramel dip, candy, and witches brew punch. SO MUCH FUN! :D
The set up!

Carter update
He's also been a little difficult on our walks. I hope it's just because other people were walking him and not because he's being rebellious. BUT he was being difficult with doing tricks and listening before we left, so it may be both.
John and I have also started teaching him "take it" and "give it." He's picking this up pretty quickly which is exciting! Once he masters these we are on our way to teaching him MANY tricks.
Other than that, he's back in his cone :( He keeps scratching open the scab that is over the bite on his neck :( I HATE him being in the cone. Hopefully, it can come off soon.
That's pretty much it with Carter right now- he's good ;D
PS! Carter is now famous! I was walking him the other day and the prevet club offered to wash him- YES PLEASE! While he was getting a bath, the school paper came and got some pictures and put him in it the next day :D
Bath time! and mommy and daddy didnt have to do it- SCORE.
Checking himself out in the paper...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
On Wednesday morning John had to go to work, so I got up early and walked Carter and finished getting everything ready for us to be gone. It was really hard to leave Carter L but it would have been way too expensive to take him with us. I had two of my RAs dog sit/house sit while we were gone. I figured if they stayed (they split the nights) then Carter would do better than if he was alone all the time. Fortunately, he did REALLY well while we were gone! The last day we were gone, Monday, was when he started acting up and even then he didn’t mess anything up, he just wasn’t listening well. I had left my RAs with lots of instructions, but I trust them so I knew Carter would be in good hands. I still cried when I got in the car to leave L It was the first time we were away from Carter for that long. BUT it’s okay- it was very nice to not have to walk him every day. Lol.
Anyway, one of my coworkers took us to the airport, but we had to pick John up from work first. It was the first time I had been to John’s work, so I was excited! I got to meet a lot of the people that work for him and got a tour of the place. It was bigger than I imagined, but that was only because John always talks about how small it is. The people that work for him also all speak Spanish, so it was neat to hear how much John’s Spanish has improved. I was so impressed!
Afterwards it was off to the airport! We stopped and got some food and then got on the plane. It seemed like a quick flight even if it was 2 ½ hours. I think I was just so excited! Haha. Josh picked us up and we went to drop our stuff off at their house. IT IS SO PRETTY! I am so jealous of their home! They have done a fantastic job with it :D After that we went and grabbed Krystal from work and headed to the inner harbor area in Baltimore. We ended up going to place called Power Plant, which was really neat. We ate at Joe Squared and got some crab pizza- DELICIOUS! We also tried out leinenkugel beer garden- YUMMY beer if you’ve never had it! Our last stop in the Power Plant area was Howl at the Moon, which is a piano bar. It was empty, but they played for us anyway. It was a lot of fun and a great time for us to catch up! I love Krystal and Josh to death and we always have so much fun with them. After that we headed home and hung out for a bit - Krystal and Josh brew their own beer and we got to try some- it was SO good!! It’s definitely something our wish list one day! After that we went to bed John and I were EXHAUSTED! Haha.
Power Plant!
On the way to the winery..
It was really pretty where they played disc golf!
Me and Bailey in the car :D
She was so sleepy at 5am!
Krystal and Josh after the big WIN!
Husbie and I :D GO WOLFPACK!
Kallie and Chris came back to Maryland with us and Sunday we all went to a pumpkin farm! We got to go on a hay ride and went through a “corn maze”. It ended up being a walk through a bunch of corn and there was only one path. LoL it was still fun to do. After that we got to pick out pumpkins. John and I got two small ones since we would be leaving the next day. The plan was to carve them when we got back, but we couldn’t find the carving kit, so we just hung out. Again, a lot of fun :D
The gang waiting for the hay rideSO pretty there
John being silly in the "corn maze"
Goofy boys!
Monday morning John and I had to pack up L We were flying out Reagan so we all had decided to spend the day in DC. Of course I got our flight time wrong, but luckily that meant more time to hang out! We went to the National Harbor and walked around for a while. We ate some lunch and checked out the Gaylord Hotel, which was really neat! I wish we had more time there to check things out, but after all that it was time to head to the airport. Traffic was terrible, but we still made it in plenty of time. The Kinlaw’s came in the airport with us and hung out with us until it was time to go. I was so sad to leave them. It was really nice getting to spend time with our best friends. BUT we get to see them at Thanksgiving, so at least it’s not that far away!!! We had a wonderful time and I cant wait to go back and visit them again :D
At the National Harbor!Me and hubs :D
I love this picture of them :D so sweet
At the Gaylord Hotel
We saw BATMAN!
Once we got back to Miami, the heat hit us hard. Ugh. AND it’s still hot here! When we got home, Carter was on the back patio and FREAKED out. Lol I was afraid he would be mad at us, but he was beyond excited to see. He kept running back and forth between us giving us kisses- he couldn’t decide what to do with us. Haha. The next few days he was more cuddly than usual and acted a little weird, but he’s back to him old self now. I am glad he gets to come home with us at Thanksgiving; I don’t think I could leave him again!
Carter and John cuddling :DYAY! for an amazing vacation! Now I need a vacation from it ;D