On Wednesday morning John had to go to work, so I got up early and walked Carter and finished getting everything ready for us to be gone. It was really hard to leave Carter L but it would have been way too expensive to take him with us. I had two of my RAs dog sit/house sit while we were gone. I figured if they stayed (they split the nights) then Carter would do better than if he was alone all the time. Fortunately, he did REALLY well while we were gone! The last day we were gone, Monday, was when he started acting up and even then he didn’t mess anything up, he just wasn’t listening well. I had left my RAs with lots of instructions, but I trust them so I knew Carter would be in good hands. I still cried when I got in the car to leave L It was the first time we were away from Carter for that long. BUT it’s okay- it was very nice to not have to walk him every day. Lol.
Anyway, one of my coworkers took us to the airport, but we had to pick John up from work first. It was the first time I had been to John’s work, so I was excited! I got to meet a lot of the people that work for him and got a tour of the place. It was bigger than I imagined, but that was only because John always talks about how small it is. The people that work for him also all speak Spanish, so it was neat to hear how much John’s Spanish has improved. I was so impressed!
Afterwards it was off to the airport! We stopped and got some food and then got on the plane. It seemed like a quick flight even if it was 2 ½ hours. I think I was just so excited! Haha. Josh picked us up and we went to drop our stuff off at their house. IT IS SO PRETTY! I am so jealous of their home! They have done a fantastic job with it :D After that we went and grabbed Krystal from work and headed to the inner harbor area in Baltimore. We ended up going to place called Power Plant, which was really neat. We ate at Joe Squared and got some crab pizza- DELICIOUS! We also tried out leinenkugel beer garden- YUMMY beer if you’ve never had it! Our last stop in the Power Plant area was Howl at the Moon, which is a piano bar. It was empty, but they played for us anyway. It was a lot of fun and a great time for us to catch up! I love Krystal and Josh to death and we always have so much fun with them. After that we headed home and hung out for a bit - Krystal and Josh brew their own beer and we got to try some- it was SO good!! It’s definitely something our wish list one day! After that we went to bed John and I were EXHAUSTED! Haha.
Power Plant!
On the way to the winery..
It was really pretty where they played disc golf!
Me and Bailey in the car :D
She was so sleepy at 5am!
Krystal and Josh after the big WIN!
Husbie and I :D GO WOLFPACK!
Kallie and Chris came back to Maryland with us and Sunday we all went to a pumpkin farm! We got to go on a hay ride and went through a “corn maze”. It ended up being a walk through a bunch of corn and there was only one path. LoL it was still fun to do. After that we got to pick out pumpkins. John and I got two small ones since we would be leaving the next day. The plan was to carve them when we got back, but we couldn’t find the carving kit, so we just hung out. Again, a lot of fun :D
The gang waiting for the hay rideSO pretty there
John being silly in the "corn maze"
Goofy boys!
Monday morning John and I had to pack up L We were flying out Reagan so we all had decided to spend the day in DC. Of course I got our flight time wrong, but luckily that meant more time to hang out! We went to the National Harbor and walked around for a while. We ate some lunch and checked out the Gaylord Hotel, which was really neat! I wish we had more time there to check things out, but after all that it was time to head to the airport. Traffic was terrible, but we still made it in plenty of time. The Kinlaw’s came in the airport with us and hung out with us until it was time to go. I was so sad to leave them. It was really nice getting to spend time with our best friends. BUT we get to see them at Thanksgiving, so at least it’s not that far away!!! We had a wonderful time and I cant wait to go back and visit them again :D
At the National Harbor!Me and hubs :D
I love this picture of them :D so sweet
At the Gaylord Hotel
We saw BATMAN!
Once we got back to Miami, the heat hit us hard. Ugh. AND it’s still hot here! When we got home, Carter was on the back patio and FREAKED out. Lol I was afraid he would be mad at us, but he was beyond excited to see. He kept running back and forth between us giving us kisses- he couldn’t decide what to do with us. Haha. The next few days he was more cuddly than usual and acted a little weird, but he’s back to him old self now. I am glad he gets to come home with us at Thanksgiving; I don’t think I could leave him again!
Carter and John cuddling :DYAY! for an amazing vacation! Now I need a vacation from it ;D
Yay! I'm glad y'all had fun. Just 3 more weeks until our movie date!!!