1) Staff Dinner at Benihana- I took my staff for our holiday dinner to a place called Benihana. It's a Japanese steakhouse and it was AMAZING! We also did secret santa and all exchanged gifts. It was a lot of fun and I love my staff :D
2) Closing- We are in the process of closing! It's a BUSY few days, but it means all the students are going home :D YAY! it's SO quiet now- all we have left are graduating seniors (the ceremony is today) and a few international students whose flights leave today. SO HAPPY. It also always puts me in much more of the holiday spirit, because for the past 7 years this time marks when I get to go home and do Christmasy stuff! :D
3) Christmas Shopping/Date Night- John and I went Christmas shopping this past weekend and went on a date. I mentioned it in an earlier blog, but it was a lot of fun. We didnt finish Christmas shopping (still havnt-YIKES) but it was nice to get away from campus for most of the day. Plus any time with the husby is awesome :D
4) Gone With the Wind- I know this was a favorite of mine last week, but the book is getting really good!! :D
5) Krystal- Yes, you silly :D As I blogged about last week- I had a horrible week last week. So this week- my sweet best friend text me almost every day, trying to lift me up and make this week better. And it did. Krystal- I am beyond blessed to have you as my best friend and whether you know it or not- those texts really made my week special :D Thank you beyond words :D LOVE YOU!
6) My Fridge- I saw this on pinterest and just HAD to do it! :D
Happy Friday y'all! here's to a great weekend!
Yay! Glad I could help :-) You fridge is adorable!