Friday, February 24, 2012
Friday Favorites!
1) Brad!- OF COURSE he is a favorite! It was SO nice having a friend in town. And not just any friend- one of our best friends. We realized that we had not had guests since the summer and before that April! So it was long overdue for sure. It also makes it a little bit easier being so far away from home. Plus- we had a fabulous time!
2) Umbrella- As you all know I am participating in the walking canes program and wear a pedometer every day to track my steps. Well they started doing a prize patrol on Wednesdays during lunch and I ran into them this Wednesday! I had to have my pedometer on and then I got to pick a prize! sweet! I have wanted a little umbrella to fit in my purse (for those times you get caught in the rain and dont have an umbrella with you) and they had one! yay! they also told me I was the first person they had "caught." YAY!
3) One Tree Hill- I am finally caught up on it! YAY! So I was able to watch this weeks episode and text Krystal during it- it's much more fun that way :D
4) Running- I stopped running during the RA Selection/Sportsfest/Brad visiting craziness. BUT I started again Monday morning. I was only able to do a mile though :( Tuesday I was only able to do a mile. I was SO discouraged. But I guess that's what happens when you take 3 weeks off. However, Wednesday I decided to go after work and pumped out 3!! So I decided that maybe I should run in the evenings- I have never been a morning person anyways. Thursday I pumped out 3 again! YAY! Today- I'll just be glad if I run a mile again. haha I am SO sore! I also started counting calories again. While I would like to follow the model I previously posted about- I need more discipline to actually shred the pounds. BUT it did teach me not to obsess so much all the time and I really wanted that :D
5) Attitude- Since I gave up complaining for lent- yes we are only in day 2, but I have noticed that my mood and attitude has changed dramatically. I think I have done a good job at catching myself when I want to complain and stop! :D Most of the complaints are so small and trivial that it's a shame I have let all of that ruin whole days sometimes! I think this is going to be a great exercise for me :D So glad the Lord put it on my heart :D
6) 5K- I signed up for my first official 5K yesterday!! John said he would do it with me, so I am even more excited! It's much more fun to have a running partner :D The race is called the Corporate Run of Miami and isnt until April 26th at 6:45pm- so about 2 months away. That just means I have that much time to get faster!
Happy Friday Y'all!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Ash Wednesday
I have given up a ton of stuff in the past- lots of food! and last year I gave up Facebook- that was hard! This year I wanted to give up something that I would really need to lean on the Lord for. I didnt want it to be food or something I have done in the past. As I was falling asleep last night thinking about it, I tried thinking about something that I do or use that just isnt helpful in my life. Well complaining crossed my mind. I complain A LOT. and it really makes me much more of a negative person than I used to be and it makes those around me negative too :( I dont want to be that person!
Then when I woke up I thought about it and decided to google some ideas (lame, I know. I am just not creative). A lot of the suggestions were good! Like add something to your life that you didnt do before- give back to the community once a week, exercise more, read the bible more, etc. They turned the phrases around to be like "give up being sedentary" "give up not reading the bible" I thought those were good! I also saw a few others who wanted to give up complaining.
And I felt like complaining was placed on my heart to give up. Or at least to do my very best to give it up. BUT I also thought that it's going to be an extremely hard task so I need something to make me more positive. That's where I decided to "give up not reading the bible" and read it every day- whether it be a verse or a chapter or a book on the bible that I read and study. If anyone can help me not complain- it has to be God!
So I started today! And oh my goodness, I complain WAY more than I thought. Shame on me! BUT I have been paying a lot of attention and have found myself in a MUCH better mood today and have not let much get to me at all. SCORE!
I also realized, it's hard to express frustration without complaining. And one lesson I have already learned is that I dont always have to express when I am frustrated! (it was seriously like a light bulb) I just need to suck it up and let more things go. It's going to be very hard- but I am going to give it my best effort. My co-workers laughed at me. So now I am even MORE determined to show them I can do it!
It's just going to take a lot of trust in the Lord to help me- but isnt that what part of lent is supposed to be? Leaning on Christ more than ourselves?
What I used to look like:

Slow Cooker Mexican Pulled Pork Tacos
Anyway, I tried my hand at the pulled pork yesterday and it was amazingly easy and delicious!
The full link is here, with pictures and all- I forgot to take some :( The sight also has the calories and nutrition info- sweet, right?!
Anyway, all the recipe calls for is:
1 lb pork tenderloin, or chicken
1 15 oz can tomato sauce, or one 12oz jar salsa
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
½ teaspoon salt
3 cloves garlic, minced
Place pork in the base of your slow cooker. In a small bowl, stir together all remaining ingredients. Pour evenly over pork. Cook on low for 8 hours. When done, shred the pork using two forks, pulling against the grain of the meat.
You can eat them as tacos- OR nachos, like I did- YUM! These are going to be made again soon! I love crock pot recipes AND it's a fairly inexpensive, low calorie meal! Doesnt get much better than that. I only wish I made enough for lunch today :D Next time for sure!
Oh and if you are wondering- John loved them too :D
Monday, February 20, 2012
Birthday Surprise!
Their birthdays are not until the end of March and early April, but this past weekend was the only time on the calendar that worked. So we got Brad's plane ticket in November. I kept a secret from John for almost 3 months. 3 months! The original plan was to pick Brad up and have him be sitting in our apartment when John got home from work. BUT then I started thinking about how much John would look forward to the visit and it would be easier to plan for if he knew. So I had Brad send some pictures:
John was SO excited! And this past Wednesday the good times began! John picked up Brad from the airport around 4pm and then headed home. We decided to go to happy hour at RA Sushi- 1/2 price sushi and drinks- yes, please! We sat out on the patio since the weather was amazing. It was nice to just chill out, relax, let go of work, and hang out with Brad and John :D
Afterwards we went to South Beach for awhile and hit up Wet Willies- YUM!Wet Willies had on cartoon network and even though the place was dead- they wouldnt change the channel to the UM game! Silly.
The next morning John had to work for a few hours so we slept in. Oh. My. Goodness. It was amazing to sleep in. When I woke up, I fed Carter and got back in bed and watched HGTV for while. It was everything I could have hoped for. John had some of the ladies he works with make us empanadas, so we had to wait for John to get home before wait. But boy was the wait worth it!!! I must learn how to make them! Afterwards, we headed to play disc golf. The course here is really long so it took forever to finish, but we always have such a good time and it was nice to be outside :D After that we stopped at TGIFridays for half priced appetizers and then headed home to watch the State game. What a heart breaking loss :( I had marinated steaks for dinner- thanks for the marinade Krystal!- and they were DELICIOUS!. I also tried my hand at a pinterest recipe for arbys fries- fail boat. I didnt like them at all. After game, we just hung out for awhile, but it was hard to get excited about anything after that loss to Duke :(
Friday, John had to work again but he got off a bit earlier. Brad and I got ready for the beach and went and got lunch for us all. We just walked to the student center and got food from Mango Manny's. It's like a Cuban/Caribbean type fast food place. They have the yummiest curry mustard in the world and I knew Brad would love it, so we picked up food from there and headed back. When John got home we ate and hit the beach :DIt was a really nice day- in fact, the weather was gorgeous the entire time Brad was here. Nothing beats the winters in Miami! I will miss these one day. After a few hours on the beach (a bit too chilly to get in) we went back home, got changed, and went to Titanic for dinner. They have great food and the BEST sweet potato fries I have ever had! After dinner we went back to the apartment and just hung out for the night. We played Scattergories for a long time and chilled out to some music :D Sounds lame- but it was more like things used to be when the three of us just hung out and didnt do much.
Saturday we got up and headed to the beach again. We got their earlier than the day before and the sun was HOT! The water was still chilly, but once you got in, it felt really good! That night we went out to Monty's for dinner. It's right on the water and it's fun to look at the boats. We ordered different things and all shared them- I got the she-crab bisque and there are just no words to describe how good it was. I had to try to make my own the next day- so guess what we had for dinner last night. lol.
My attempt at she-crab bisque- it was yummy, just not as good as Monty's. I will keep trying!
Happy Early Birthday to you both!! It was an AWESOME trip! :D Hope you boys enjoyed it as much as I did!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Valentines Day!
Anyway, I like Valentines day- any girl who tells you she doesnt, isnt telling you the full truth. BUT when people ask me- I tell them I am not a fan. Again- not the full truth- I like telling people how much they mean to me on that day. I love the colors- DUH. And seeing people so happy is always nice, plus there is just something in the air that is pleasant. BUT I am not a fan because I feel like there is so much pressure on the day. Everyone asks what we are doing, what we got each other, etc. And when you say nothing, it's like someone smacked them in the face. Yes, John and I usually do something- but I hate feeling like we HAVE to do something. I love presents, but they dont mean near as much when he feels like he is required to get me something. So for that reason we usually decide to not get each other anything and just spend some time together.
However, my sneaky husband brought me STARGAZER LILIES!!! they are BEAUTIFUL and smell wonderful :D but the pressure was off and I know he did it because he loves me and wanted to- not because I would be disappointed, because I wouldnt have been at all.
Our plans to hang out that night included Titanic for dinner and drinks and then we walked to the Drake concert- all of this is walking distance from where we live and this way we didnt have to sit in traffic! The concert was really good. Our first rap/r&b concert. The light show was amazing and Drake sang for a long time.
We had a really good night and while I am paying for it today- I love my hubby and had a fantastic valentines day with him :D
My gorgeous flowers (potted so they will last longer!) They have made my whole apartment smell SO good!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
So this week my focus is going to be on perseverance. I found a few good bible verses to focus on this week:
Romans 5:3-4- "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."
James 5:11 "As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." If Job can do it- So can I! And I know the Lord will deliver :D
James 1:3 "because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." Yikes. I feel like I failed this test. I have not had the attitude about work that the Lord would want me to have. Maybe if I start now, I can regain some ground I lost? Does it work that way?
James 1:12 "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him" And this, my friends, is why I love my Lord. We may not see thanks or just what our perseverance has done for us in this world, but we will one day :D One day we'll get to stand with the Lord because He has given us the best gift that could ever be given to us. And everything else will not matter. :D
I feel like having these in mind this week will make this week much better :D Happy Monday y'all!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Friday Favorites
1) I finished the Hunger Games! They were really good- sad ending, but I was content with it :D
2) UNC lost at the buzzer to Duke! AND we won our game :D That's always good!
3) God- I've been having a difficult week at work and God always knows how to show me what to do. Even if I dont want to :D And I'm having a really hard time wanting to..."This job has been given to me to do. Therefore, it is a gift. Therefore, it is a privilege. Therefore, it is an offering I make to my God. Therefore, it is to be done gladly, if it is done for Him. Here, not somewhere else, I may learn God's way. In this job, not in some other, God looks for faithfulness." Elisabeth Elliot
4) Brad comes next week!
Have a good weekend- it's sportsfest craziness over here, so I'll be working again all weekend. CANT WAIT TILL NEXT THURSDAY!
Friday, February 3, 2012
I am
“When life had begun I was woven and spun.
You let the angles dance around the throne.
And who can say when? But they’ll dance again!
When I am FREE and finally headed home.
I will be weak.
Unable to speak.
Still, I will call you by name:
My Redeemer
Lord & King
Beginning and the End
I AM.”
(I am by Nicole Nordeman)
Beautiful words. I miss you daddy.
Friday Favorites
1) Ice Cream date with John! - John and I had a groupon for a local ice cream shop- it's probably my favorite. It's been made up like it's from the 50's or so- handmade ice cream and they show old school cartoons outside. :D I didnt realize the groupon had expired a few days before we went, but it's the type of place where they gave us the full amount anyway. They are always super nice :D It was a nice break during the week.
2) Hit on- I got hit on by a freshman this week. It was really funny. Even after I told him I was the Area Director, he didnt seem to care. It wasnt until I made sure to mention I was married that he finished his food quickly and left. lol. Ive also seen him since and he wont say hello to me. haha. Poor kid. however, it's always nice to feel pretty!
3) Hunger Games- I am addicted! They are such quick reads. I have half of the last one to go. I cant wait until the movie comes out!
4) Anacapri- We took my faculty master out for dinner for his birthday. Anacapri is an upscale Italian restaurant and it's DELICIOUS! We had a nice time together :D
5) John- I know this is lame, but I've had a few rough days this week and he always knows how to make them better :D So he is definitely my rock when things are frustrating :D LOVE YOU BOO!
Happy Friday!