I have given up a ton of stuff in the past- lots of food! and last year I gave up Facebook- that was hard! This year I wanted to give up something that I would really need to lean on the Lord for. I didnt want it to be food or something I have done in the past. As I was falling asleep last night thinking about it, I tried thinking about something that I do or use that just isnt helpful in my life. Well complaining crossed my mind. I complain A LOT. and it really makes me much more of a negative person than I used to be and it makes those around me negative too :( I dont want to be that person!
Then when I woke up I thought about it and decided to google some ideas (lame, I know. I am just not creative). A lot of the suggestions were good! Like add something to your life that you didnt do before- give back to the community once a week, exercise more, read the bible more, etc. They turned the phrases around to be like "give up being sedentary" "give up not reading the bible" I thought those were good! I also saw a few others who wanted to give up complaining.
And I felt like complaining was placed on my heart to give up. Or at least to do my very best to give it up. BUT I also thought that it's going to be an extremely hard task so I need something to make me more positive. That's where I decided to "give up not reading the bible" and read it every day- whether it be a verse or a chapter or a book on the bible that I read and study. If anyone can help me not complain- it has to be God!
So I started today! And oh my goodness, I complain WAY more than I thought. Shame on me! BUT I have been paying a lot of attention and have found myself in a MUCH better mood today and have not let much get to me at all. SCORE!
I also realized, it's hard to express frustration without complaining. And one lesson I have already learned is that I dont always have to express when I am frustrated! (it was seriously like a light bulb) I just need to suck it up and let more things go. It's going to be very hard- but I am going to give it my best effort. My co-workers laughed at me. So now I am even MORE determined to show them I can do it!
It's just going to take a lot of trust in the Lord to help me- but isnt that what part of lent is supposed to be? Leaning on Christ more than ourselves?
What I used to look like:

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