We just happened to be in Asheville for our anniversary. John had his big annual meeting during the same time and so we stayed at the Grove Park Inn. Umm, not a shabby way to spend your anniversary!
John left before I did, so made my way up there by myself on Wednesday after work. It wasnt too bad of a drive. John had been super stressed out so I wanted to make sure to do something nice for him. We dont typically get each other presents, but I wanted him to know how much I appreciated how hard he was working for us (two jobs and all!). I had ordered him a wallet that he wanted really bad- I got it from Saddleback Leather online. I highly recommend them. Great company! My plan was to also stop at Wicked Weed and get him a shirt he wanted and a few new bombers to go with it.
Anyways, when I got to the room I found this waiting for me. I sure do love that man :D
He was at dinner with his co-workers, so I waited to open it until we could be together. After I got all my stuff in, I went and met them and had some dessert. His Executive Director, Allan, is one of the nicest men in the world and bought mine too. Lemon Cheesecake for the win! Afterwards, we went back to the room and he saw his surprise :D Then I opened my card.....and HE GOT ME A SPA DAY AND A MASSAGE. UM? BEST HUSBAND EVER! Since I was still working remotely, I got a few things moved around and was able to relax and enjoy my gift :D My massage was set for Friday and I was looking forward to it SO MUCH!
Thursday, John had to work and he was busy most of the day. I worked from the hotel room and had to deal with some crazy things happening at some of our sites :(. After I got off work, I got all dressed up because we were going to a fancy dinner award ceremony thingy. The dinner was delicious- it was a steak dinner and YUM! Afterwards, we walked down to Wicked Weed and had a few drinks.
Friday, I had to work remotely again, but it was MASSAGE DAY! Which also meant I had access to the Spa all day. You cant even get into the spa without paying for a treatment. It was AH-MA-ZING! I couldnt take pictures :(. When I got there to sign in, they gave me a tour and a robe and shoes. I spent a lot of time in one of the hot tubs, then I tried the contrast pool. For the contrast pool, you sit in hot water for about 20 minutes then get in the contrast pool which is freezing, then back into the hot tub. It was painful in the cold but then when you get back in the hot tub- you get tingly all over. It's also supposed to help with circulation. It was neat. I also tried out the sauna and steam room. Not a fan of steam rooms- i felt suffocated. After relaxing and eating some nuts and drinking fruit water I went and checked out the waterfall hot tubs- also very cool. Then I went and had my massage :D It was wonderful. Just wonderful. I have not felt that relaxed in- I dont even know how long. It was perfect. The massage the therapist treated me to a mimosa after the massage was over since it was for my anniversary :D So nice!
After my massage, I had to go and get ready for the night. I was supposed to meet up with Brad and head to the Federal Building downtown for drinks and appetizers. It was AWESOME! The food was great and I got to see a real federal courtroom. Sometimes I wish I had become a lawyer. :D We also got to see the old library. They were setting up for a dinner, but we were able to poke our heads in thanks to Allan. SO COOL!
Next, we headed to Burial! We didnt get to try this brewery last time. It did not disappoint. I will definitely go back there next time we are in Asheville :D
Then to The Funkatorium! :D
Sour barrels!
We ended the night at Asheville Brewing Company for pizza! Jenny also drove up on Friday and we met up with her there! :D It was a GREAT day. Really words cannot describe this day accurately. I mean it did involve a world class massage....I am so spoiled :D
Saturday, I woke up early because Allan was going to be presented with the Order of Long Leaf Pine Award and that was something I did not want to miss. Its a BIG DEAL. He also had no idea. It was such a sweet surprise for such a sweet and well deserving man! I also got to meet the governer!
For the rest of Saturday, I relaxed and explored. It was kind of rainy, so the pool wasnt much of an option. But that was okay! Umm, still at the Grove Park Inn! lol. After John was done working, he came back to the room and we got ready for the Gala. Saying all these fancy words- I dont even know who I am anymore. lol. The Gala started with drinks and then a big fancy dinner with the passing of the gavel to the new BAR President. Afterwards, SO. MUCH. DANCING. John and I had a blast. It was such a fun night :D
I did not get too many pictures, but here are a few:D
Me and Allan
After all the dancing and quick stop at the Piano Bar- Elaines, John and I went outside and sat on the terrace. It was lovely :D
It was an amazing weekend and I couldnt have asked for a better anniversary :D
Sunday we got up and headed home. Sad to say goodbye, but it was still nice to head home to see our puppy. John, thank you for an amazing anniversary and an even more amazing 7 years. I love you so much and I cannot wait to see what this year of marriage has in store for us :D
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