September 12th
Baby girl is the sized of a Naked-Tailed Armadillo (kinda ugly, lol- she's not, but the armadillo is). She's close to 18 inches and weighs about 4lbs now! Her sweet little head should have a full coating of peach fuzz and maybe even some hair! She also has a full set of fingernails and toenails. I cant wait to do her nails :D Babies born in the 32nd week of pregnancy have a 90% chance of surviving- starting to feel better about things! :D
How's Mama? This week was ROUGH. I got a nasty cold that I just was not able to shake. It turned a little worse towards the middleof the week and I ended up with a small fever and a smoker's sounding cough. SO tired all week too. Braxton Hicks were a little more common this week and there were also TONS of baby hiccups (which are the cutest thing ever). Krystal brought over a humidifier for me during the week and I'm pretty sure this saved my life. I dont think I could have slept without it.
How's Daddy? He's also tired. He ended up sleeping on the couch a few nights this week :( Between my usual uncomfortable shifting around and my awful cough, he was just not able to get any sleep next to me. John ended up having to go out of town for work for Thursday and Friday too. He was SUPER productive over the weekend though!
This week: This week started off with us having the Kinlaws over for dinner! We hadnt done our "Taco Tuesday" in awhile and even though it was Monday when they came over, we still had our usual Mexican cuisine :D Luckily, by this point I wasnt sick yet- or at least I didnt know it and I didnt spread my germs. Tuesday I started to feel pretty run down and by Wednesday I had a nasty cough.
Mason snuggles while I finished up dinner!
We had our first baby class Wednesday!!! I did my best to keep it contained during our baby class, still not realizing the severity of my cold. We learned a lot in the first class and even knew another couple in it! Small world! Phil Moore's best friend, David Boone, and his wife are in our class! They are super sweet. We started to learn about labor and delivery and some relaxation techniques during contractions.
Thursday morning I woke up around 3am with a fever, chills, cough, runny/stuffy nose- it was not pretty. :( Of course we had a retreat at work on Thursday that was important for me to be at, but with a fever my doctor told me- no way. I needed to stay home and rest for me and the baby. John had to leave Thursday morning for his business trip and I felt so bad for him. He did not want to leave me. He's so good for me. I ended up sleeping all day anyway, so it wasnt a big deal he wasnt there and he was back the next day. lol. My fever was gone Friday so I went to work for the rest of our retreat.
Saturday, John and I went shopping for supplies for the weekend projects we had planned and we snuck in an afternoon date for wings and football. Thank goodness I was feeling even better! We picked out paint for the nursery, found a sweet chandelier for her room, and got some crown molding. After that, even though I was feeling better, I was exhausted. That pretty much sums up my whole day. I crashed while John got busy.
Sunday, we had Jim and Jane come over to help us with some projects around the house. I was feeling even better, but still very tired, very easily. I still had an awesome cough too. They painted the nursery, hung the chandelier, and worked on patching the ceiling (from the HVAC leak this summer). I worked on cleaning out our master closet some and finished power washing what I could reach. It was a very productive day!
Our kitchen became a construction zone
So did the baby room. haha. Getting ready to paint!
Daddy is excited! The paint color was a little darker than we wanted, but we had already been to Lowe's twice trying to fix the color and were not going back again. So it's perfect :D LOL
I forgot to take a before photo with all the stuff on the ground on the shelf in the top of our closet, so I got one with it all on the floor. LOL. I spent a very long time going through stuff and purged a lot, but then I started to smell the paint and had to go outside. So power-washing it was!
Jim and Jane surprised us with our first baby present off the nursery! Our pack and play!! They went ahead and gave it to us so Jim could be apart of it since our shower was girls only :D