
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

29 weeks!

August 22nd

Image result for New England cottontail rabbit
Baby girl is the size of a New England Cottontail Rabbit this week! She's about 16 inches and weighs about 3lbs! She's getting so big :D Her movements are definitely getting stronger too! Less room mixed with getting stronger? She likes to kick after I eat and a LOT in the afternoon and then again in the evening. Daddy gets to feel her then and he got to feel some good ones this week!

How's Mama: I feel GREAT this week! That whole boost of energy thing in the 2nd trimester never happened and I wouldnt exactly say it's happening now, but this is the best I've felt in a long time. Which sounds weird because I'm also the biggest yet. lol But I'll take it! Maybe it's all the exercise :D I won our step challenge this week! I was NOT going to let Brad beat me again, which required 20k steps on Friday....BUT I WON! :D I have started to notice that I get out breath much easier than before and things just take me much longer in general. It can be frustrating. Heartburn and constipation are the other not so fun things of the week. BUT baby girl is just dancing away in my belly and it makes it all worth it :D I also got some baby snuggles in a few times this week. I just cant get enough of sweet Mason!

How's Daddy? In LOVE with Mason! He also cannot get enough snuggles from Mason and it's the cutest thing in the world to me. He's gotten to play some with baby girl which is also adorable. He's starting to get busy again at work :( But still gives his all to us at home. He's been so great throughout this whole pregnancy. He's going to be the best dad.

This week: Was full of baby snuggles! Duh :D John and I also went registry shopping!! Our registries need some work for sure, but at least we started it! We went to Buy Buy Baby after work one day (makes more sense since we both work out that way.) Well the lady we got was SUPER annoying. I didnt know if I was just hormonal, hungry, tired (yanno pregnant things), or if she was just that bad. John is great about being honest with me, and she was just that bad. She wouldnt SHUT UP. It took us 45 minutes to get the dang registry gun from her all because she wanted to share her life story and insist we name our kid certain things. Honestly, by the time we finally got away from her, I was ready to leave. We walked around some and scanned some things in. John has also ruined me. He's taught me to research EVERYTHING (and he should have!!) but without reviews, we didnt know what to even register for. LOL. So we left shortly afterwards and went and got dinner. We tried a new place called Brew and Que and omigoodness. It was delicious. I will definitely be going back. The burnt ends were the best, by far. 

Friday, I had my first appointment without John. He had a work project that he couldnt leave for :(. My mom came though! She really wanted to come to one and we figured that would be a good one since John couldnt come, that way I'd have someone with me :D The appointment was pretty quick again. I got my Tdap shot and mom got to hear little girls heartbeat! I think she really enjoyed it and it was nice to have her there. My blood pressure wasnt high, but it wasnt perfect either so I need to watch it. Apparently, I also need to slow down on the foods. I guess all those double cheeseburgers from McDonalds caught up with me. haha. Honestly, I think I was super swollen from walking almost 4 miles already that day, but we'll see what the scale says in two weeks. In the meantime, time to reign in some of the sweets :D Friday night we took the Kinlaws some dinner and got more baby snuggles :D 

Saturday I woke up and was really feeling terrible. Stupid Tdap strikes again. A few years ago when I got it, I got a 103 fever,aches, chills, etc. I warned the doctor what happened last time and they said I should be fine this time. Nope. I could barely get out of bed. I ended up sleeping until about 3pm (I'd wake up every now and then). I ended up getting a fever and called my doctor. They said everything would be fine since it wasnt high and to take more Tylenol and add Benadryl to the mix. John was a sweetheart and went and got some for me. I could barely eat but forced some food down so baby girl wouldnt starve. Then I went back to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night in a pile of sweat and felt TONS better. I guess I sweated out my fever. Thank goodness. 

Sunday, I felt SO much better- not 100% but a lot better and more functional. It was Josh's 30th Birthday! So while John took Josh out to play some birthday disc golf, I cleaned the house and made some food to take to the Kinlaws. The Mortons made the meat (brisket, ribs, sausage, and bbq!) and I made the sides (corn pudding, mac and cheese, green beans, and carrots). The food was all amazing. It was also a great time with friends! We had cake and brownies for dessert (dont worry, I only had a little :D), got some baby snuggles of course!, and then headed home to start the week. I hope Josh had an amazing birthday! We kept it small for now since Mason is so small, but he has a big Oktoberfest bash planned for Oct and I am very much looking forward to that too!

Welcome to club 30 Josh! It looks quite good on you :D 

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