Our sweet girl is 11 months old!! My last monthly post before she turns 1! I can’t even believe it!! I swear this year has flown by! This month was another busy month for us! Savannah learned to clap and does it all the time! She waves hi and goodbye. She LOVES waving. She waves at everything! She also learned how to give kisses (SO precious!) and has said bye-bye a few times! She’s crawling everywhere, pulling up on everything, and is walking with her push walker! Baby girl is on the MOVE and isn’t slowing down any time soon. She still loves to dance, play peek-a-boo, and EAT! She doesn’t care for baths still and has definitely been testing her limits with us. Such a little personality in this one! We love her to the moon and back and I seriously cannot imagine my world without her. This month was also full of so much fun!
We went to pick this sweet girl up from daycare one day and she was sitting at the end of the room, at the table by herself, eating goldfish. She looked like a The Don. LOL
Daycare is nice enough to put t-shirts over the kids clothes when they eat spaghetti. lol. She is the best eater they have! They always tell us that she eats everything. She's very meticulous in eating and takes her time, but eats it all. lol. She's definitely a Martin!
We went to the Moore's for lunch one day! Savannah crawled all over their living room. It was so great to finally get to introduce Savannah to some of our favorite people! Of course I didnt get a picture of all of them :( But here she is playing in their living room :D
We had our first trip to Chick-fil-a! She ate all of her grilled chicken tenders and applesauce! We stopped before trying out our first consignment sale. It was okay. lol
She was a weeee bit too young for the toddler area in the play place, but it was fun to show it to her!
She's gotten great at sitting up in her crib! and I'm pretty sure I took this because these pjs are my favorite! My little panda!
We practiced LOTS of standing and pulling up on things!
She started standing up in her crib!!!!
And trying to drink coffee like Mommy :D
We took a few short rides in the mustang with her. She loves her daddy! Look at the face she's giving him!
Aunt Britt and Uncle Chris came to visit!
Savannah got to ride in Masons new wagon! She LOVED it. She pretty much acts like it's hers now whenever she sees it. She acted like it was her chariot. haha
They are SO stinking cute together. I'm glad they are best friends :D
Mason came over to play one day and decided to help teach Savannah how to walk. lol. He pushed her around in her walker. lol
and together, they destroyed the living room.
They are gunna be so much trouble as they get older!!
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