While Chris was here we decided to go to South Beach and Key West on his last two days- so that's what we did! I'll start at the beginning. The night before South Beach we found out via facebook that it was Chris's birthday- WHAT! boy did he hear it! LOL. So I got him cookie cake and we sang to him :) then we headed to South Beach for most of the day- the beach was awesome! (minus me getting hit on by some creeper, and even after telling him I was married he still proceeded to hit on me- GROSS. I thought John might kill him.) Anyway, after that point our night kinda went downhill- we changed clothes and went to Larios on the beach- which is one of Gloria Esteban's Cuban restaurants. The food was delicious (I had eaten there when I came down for my interviews and took them there to try it) HOWEVER, we ended up waiting 2 hours and it rained on us :(. It was also very expensive. So we were already kinda frustrated. Then we decided to check out the scene and everything was WAY too expensive and not really us. After walking around for a long time and getting blisters we came home, irritated to say the least. Oh well. Most of the day was good and we still had Key West to look forward to the next day!
Chris enjoying a birthday drink!
The next morning we got up and got ready and made the drive down to Key West! It was a good 3 1/2 hour drive- it was LONG but BEAUTIFUL! For some of you who dont know, I lived in Key West when I was little so I was super excited to be able to show John where I lived and went to elementary school. I also became terrified of bridges with water under them when I lived there and am still working on getting over it- no idea where it came from, but that's just how it is. So there is this amazing 7 mile bridge on the way to Key West and I thought I may have a heart attack, but DIDNT! I think I may have officially gotten over my fear (*fingers crossed*). :)
When we got there we drove by my elementary school and it had been turned around and rebuilt- I guess that can happen after 18 years. YIKES! lol But it was there and they still had parts of the old playground that we saw. We also drove by where I used to live and unfortunately it was pretty run down :( but it was still neat to see! Then we headed to the southern most point in the continental US! YAY! lol- Cuba is 90 miles from that point. crazy.
then we headed to the beach! We went to one and it was covered in sea grass (gross) so we left and tried out another one. (gross beach below- pretty! but it smelled and was covered in sea grass)
This one was much better even though the bottom of the ocean/gulf (we were at the point they met) was covered in coral. We had a good time though- we same out to some rocks and took pictures.
Then we watched the sunset- GORGEOUS to see! God is such a great painter!
Then we headed off to eat dinner at a restaurant I always heard my parents and uncle talk about- Sloppy Joes. It was Ernest Hemingway's favorite place! It was great food and fun entertainment. :) Overall, good time- expensive, but fun. Everything here is expensive, just still gotta get used to it! Then we headed home and I was exhausted! LOL Overall, great trip though!
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