1) becoming a resident
2) spending time with Johns parents
The first part of that is FRUSTRATING! John and I went with some of my coworkers to get our drivers license this week. It took us about 4 hours. UGH! I already hated the DMV and pretty much expected this, but it still doesnt make it any better! However, I am officially a Florida resident now!- SO glad the DMV part is over! We also got John's Cane Card and joined the gym! YAY! We ended up spending the rest of that day at the beach :) Great way to spend any day in my book! The beach we went to has a lighthouse- supposedly the oldest structure in Miami-Dade County, built in 1825. We tried to go up in it, but of course it was closed. the kinda neat thing is that it was closed for a photo shoot for a Venezuelan actress/model. We saw her posing for the shoot- pretty neat. Anyway, for dinner we tried The Big Cheese- DELICIOUS! I definitely recommend it!
The next day we spent most of the morning getting car insurance and renter's insurance- YIKES! it doubled :( both of them. ugh. at least we were warned and budgeted close to what it would be. However, it still hurt my heart. lol Then we headed down to Homestead to visit John's Aunt Vicky! We got Cuban food and caught up with her. She was really excited because that many Martin's have not been in Miami at one time before. lol
Thursday we then spent part of the day getting a bank account. I picked up my check and was thrilled! first paycheck! Whoop! Thursday morning was a very frustrating other than that tho. Everyone seemed like they were in a bad mood. We decided to run our frustrations out at the gym. So we made our first trip over there! BOY was I exhausted and already sore when I was done. lol I did 30 minutes of intense cardio and then lifted weights working on arms. However, when I got back I was out of my bad mood! then we made a yummy dinner and played a game with his parents- good ending to what started out as a frustrating day.
Today, we headed off to do tags and registration for our car- again frustrating. they have to fax a letter to the bank that has our title and then the bank has to mail it here. when that happens we go back to the tags agency and get everything done. the title then goes to Tallahassee so it can be made into a Florida title and then sent back to the bank- ridiculous if you ask me. but whatever, I cant wait until it's all done.
It just seems like it's so much hassle to get it all done :( We'll celebrate when we are done! lol
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