This week has been ridiculous - in good ways and bad. RA training about took it out of me! It was great though because I love my staffs :D they are crazy and so much fun.
This week though (this week being from like last Friday till today, lol), after not much sleep at all, I definitely backed into a parked car. The car was also in a handicapped spot. Yes, that's right- I hit a handicapped persons car. How awful! LOL. I have to LOL at myself for that one. I am pretty sure I wont hear the end of it from John either. Luckily, there was no damage to their car at all. Just to ours and it's just a little dent in our bumper. Hopefully, we can fix the dent ourselves. While it made me upset at the time- it's pretty funny now. John and I had a bet going about who would get in an accident first down here- John says I lost, but I dont count it because there was no damage to their car. lol :D
We have also been hanging out with some of our friends from my work. Nate and Leigh Ellen are AWESOME :D. We had a game night one night this week with them and played Scene It. The games was only supposed to take like 30 minutes to play- it took us like 2 hours. I was HORRIBLE! but to be fair some of the movies I had never even heard of. It was a good time though. We then went over there the next night to watch some Monday Night football. One of my other coworkers, Leslie (Nevina ;D) was having a video game night with her staff so we went to that for while too. Good times all around. She introduced me to peanut butter filled pretzels- WHAT? they were amazingly delicious!
Today marked opening! CRAZY! it's like a production here! the RAs decorate their entire floors with a different theme on top of door decs and bulletin boards. They also decorate the lobby- which is covered in everything green and orange. We also have balloons EVERYWHERE! Inculding a balloon arch. Ridiculous. lol It's neat though. They also cheer for each of the new Canes. SO much fun! It's been pretty slow today, but I have heard tomorrow will be more crazy- we shall see. I am going to be exhausted after 7am-7pm shifts the next few days. Luckily I love the people I work with or I would dread it.
This week though (this week being from like last Friday till today, lol), after not much sleep at all, I definitely backed into a parked car. The car was also in a handicapped spot. Yes, that's right- I hit a handicapped persons car. How awful! LOL. I have to LOL at myself for that one. I am pretty sure I wont hear the end of it from John either. Luckily, there was no damage to their car at all. Just to ours and it's just a little dent in our bumper. Hopefully, we can fix the dent ourselves. While it made me upset at the time- it's pretty funny now. John and I had a bet going about who would get in an accident first down here- John says I lost, but I dont count it because there was no damage to their car. lol :D
We have also been hanging out with some of our friends from my work. Nate and Leigh Ellen are AWESOME :D. We had a game night one night this week with them and played Scene It. The games was only supposed to take like 30 minutes to play- it took us like 2 hours. I was HORRIBLE! but to be fair some of the movies I had never even heard of. It was a good time though. We then went over there the next night to watch some Monday Night football. One of my other coworkers, Leslie (Nevina ;D) was having a video game night with her staff so we went to that for while too. Good times all around. She introduced me to peanut butter filled pretzels- WHAT? they were amazingly delicious!
Today marked opening! CRAZY! it's like a production here! the RAs decorate their entire floors with a different theme on top of door decs and bulletin boards. They also decorate the lobby- which is covered in everything green and orange. We also have balloons EVERYWHERE! Inculding a balloon arch. Ridiculous. lol It's neat though. They also cheer for each of the new Canes. SO much fun! It's been pretty slow today, but I have heard tomorrow will be more crazy- we shall see. I am going to be exhausted after 7am-7pm shifts the next few days. Luckily I love the people I work with or I would dread it.

That's all for now!
Cute're so dark!