I cant believe move in is already over and I am in my daily routine. Time flies! Move in was slow and consistant, which was good. However, the hours were LONG! I cant really complain though because I get compenstation time for anything over 37.5! YAY! lol. This week I am here every evening too for floor meetings. I cant wait until there is a normal week! wait....is there in this profession?! lol we shall see! :D
This is a picture of the lovely ladies I work with in Mahoney. I need to get the one from Pearson still.

This weekend and in my little spare time John and I were able to get the rest of our furniture- YAY! we got a kitchen cart, a desk, a desk chair (all of which had to be put together) and then other stuff for the apartment. It is FINALLY almost finished! John has worked so hard over the past few days to work on unpacking the last of our stuff and I love him so much for it. I really wish I could be there to do more though :( I like playing house! haha. When we did put our furniture together the kitchen cart took about 2 hours and the desk took like 3 or 4- I dont even remember. lol. BUT it is all done and I am VERY excited about that! As soon as we get everything hung on the walls and the odds and ends taken care of I will post pics of our apartment. I really like it a lot. It is pretty small, but John and I have gotten creative with our stuff and really like living there a lot. :D
In other areas of my life- I started going to the gym again. It was very much needed and is kicking my butt. I get up now before work and head to the gym, which is a pretty good routine. I dont have to be into work until 10, so I get up at 8- which for those of you who know me is a GREAT schedule for me! Unfortunately, I had to start the "from couch to 5-K" again. After going home for so long and then getting back here and being SO busy, I just needed to start over. So Monday I started it and I targeted the lower body with weights. Tuesday I ran again and targeted the upper body. I was way too sore to go this morning. lol. SO, I figured I would try and go when I get off work. We'll see how that goes :D I have also been eating WAY better and just overall have so much more energy and feel good. YAY!
I also went to see a counselor yesterday. Dealing with my dad has been hard and I am not sure that I am actually dealing with it. So I chatted with him and learned a lot about the process. A lot of it matched up with the book my director gave me, which was kind of neat to see. Recently my emotions have been in overdrive. When I get mad, I get really mad and when I get sad, I get really sad. At some points I feel like I could cry at any second and other days I just push it out compeltely and make myself busy. I didnt even realize my emotions were crazy. Whenever I would tell John something that happened, I would get so worked up and he started saying- there is clearly more to this than what you are saying. BUT, there really wasnt. So, I was glad to find out that all these reactions are normal. Apparently when things as big as this happen in someone's life they can become mildly depressed, even if they dont realize it. He described it as your emotions being punched and pretty much described how I was reacting. So I feel better and not like I am crazy. Unfortunately, everyone reacts and heals differently so I am not sure when everything will seem real. I know it will just take time. I am incredibly blessed to have such an amazing support systerm though! YAY for an amazing husband, family, friends, and co-workers!
On a brighter note- I caught up with an old friend recently :D YAY for Jennie O! She was one of the first people I met in college. She was the resident director of the building I moved into when I was a freshman in college. She then got me interested in becoming and RA and then going to Grad School for Higher Education. She told me all about it and sold me on student affairs for a living! A great mentor and friend! :D Between her influence and the help of another great friend and old resident director Lis Ellis, here I am! and loving what I do at that :D Anyway, Jennie O and I are great together and I have missed talking to her all the time! However, (and I know you are reading this!) we are definitely going to stay in better touch and talk a lot more! She is a wonderful listener and just great friend all around. A truly amazing person and I am so blessed to have her in my life. Even though we were not as close as we would have liked over the past few years, she was still there for me for the biggest moments in my life. She came to mine and Johns wedding and to my father's funeral. She is just the best and I love her to death :D
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