So John flew home last Wednesday for a great opportunity he was presented :D His old employer- WRAL hired him to do some free lance work for them for the Raleigh Christmas Parade. :D They paid him well and I know he was honored by the fact that they wanted him to come all the way from Miami to help! I am SO proud of him! He decided that since he was going home to go home a few days before hand so he left on Wednesday and stayed until Sunday. I, of course, was sad he was leaving me. At the same time however, I was excited to spend some time to myself! I ended up really enjoying the time I had. I scrapbooked- A LOT and watched tons of Law and Order: SVU :D I also of course had to work still. BUT it was very relaxing! Then of course the State game against Carolina was that Saturday! I watched it and scrapbooked and the game about gave me a heart attack! BUT we WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I keep being sad because my dad would have LOVED to have seen this season! BUT I also keep thinking that it might be a little gift from him :D I know that's silly, but a girl can hope :D
Anyway, I planned a VERY fancy dinner for John for when he flew back :D I made stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer. Then I made homemade pasta! and I made them into raviolis and stuffed them with mushrooms, crab meat, and 3 cheeses. I put the ravioli in an mushroom alfredo sauce. It was DELICIOUS! I also made a ceaser salad and garlic bread to go with it. And brownies for dessert. It was AMAZING :D SO YUMMY!! I was very proud of myself!
Finally pictures! :D I wish I had more but here are some...
The stuffing for the ravioli...

The ravioli I made! This is before I cooked them and put sauce on them. I dont have an after picture, but I was really proud!

My stuff mushrooms! they were DELICIOUS!

Of course John wasnt hungry when I picked him up be we ate a little any way and then had more later. I dressed up for dinner and told him I was taking him to cafe Martin. lol. It was a lot of fun and really nice to have John home ;D LOVE him!
Now, I am EXCITED for a 4 day break! it is beyond needed!
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