I LOVED IT! It was a Sebring and so smooth to drive! :D well my awesome experience turned into not so awesome the next morning. I couldnt return the car that night because they were closed. It had to be returned by 11:30 the next day. It's like 2 minutes down the road so I left at about 11:10 :D I needed to get gas so I stopped at the closest station. I could NOT figure out how to open the dang gas tank and pulled out my phone to call John since he was meeting me at Enterprise to give me a ride home. I figured he may have an idea. Well of course as it starts ringing I figure it out, so I just hang up and set the phone down on the car. BAD IDEA. DONT EVER DO THAT. EVER. I pumped the gas, got in the car and drove away :(. I realized this about halfway to enterprise, but of course I was almost already late and didnt want to have another day charged. I went into the store and waited for the enterprise guy to help me. Of course he answered like 3 phone calls and was helping someone else. Then he looked at me and told me was going to go do something and then help me out and I guess he could tell I was in a panic because very rudely he goes "unless you are in a hurry or something." Ugh. I told him that I left my phone at the gas station and wanted to get there before someone stole it (this was before I realized the true horror of what happened). He goes well your boss hasnt turned her car in either yet and we close in a minute- will you call her. I looked at him like "are you serious right now?" I was like- I just told you I left my phone at the gas station, so I cant really call. So he started looking for her number and was like you can use our phone. He must have seen my face because then he is like I'll just give your receipt to her when she shows up so you can leave. I was like thanks and left. Well we drove back to the gas station and of course it wasnt there. I did however find it on the street :( it had been run over. a few times. :( Some how it still worked even though it was shattered. I was very fortunate for that because Apple was able to give me a replacement for $200 instead of $600. Ugh. I wouldnt have a phone if it was $600! $200 was already ridiculous. John is a great man for replacing it for me :D Here is a picture of it after it was run over.
The second reason Saturday sucked was because we lost our football game and we should not have :( Luckily, the awful teams that needed to win for us to be in the same standing we were before the game won. So I guess that's sorta good- I just HATE depending on other teams when I know ours has all the talent they need to do it themselves.
Luckily, the rest of the weekend was great! LoL! John and I just hung out a lot. I had also taken Monday off and it was AMAZING! It was really just what I needed! I think one of the best things about taking a week day off is that it means only a 4 day week. lol :D
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