Krystal and Josh came and picked us up and we were on our way! I think John and I were crazy for driving all the way down to Orlando and back when we had to drive home still later in the week. LOL. but it was totally worth it! Since I was sitting in the back of their car, I took some motion sickness medicine since it usually makes me sick. The only problem with that is it makes me sleep. So I slept for a few hours of the 10 hour drive down. Other than that we had fun catching up and stuff. We made really good time and got to Orlando earlier than we thought we would. We got some showers and then got ready to get dinner and go out for a little while. We met up with some of Krystal's friends and walked to dinner. We kept looking for places to eat, but everything was closed! We finally found a place called Piper's. It took forever for them to seat us and then even longer to take our orders. I believe there was only one waitress in the entire place. They were definitely staffed for a slow Monday night- not a Monday night with a bunch of out of towners. Luckily the food was delicious and everything was priced very well :D
The next morning we got up and headed out to tailgate! We got to the tailgate prolly about noon and tailgated until game time at 6! We had tons of fun! We met lots of State fans and Krystals friends came and found us, as well as some of my friends (Megan, Lindsey, Tera YAY!) :D I LOVE away games because everyone is so unified! I was playing cornhole at one point and a West Virginia fan came out of the port-a-potty with a red coozie and I made fun of him :D We ended up talking to them for a long time and then Josh and I played a game of cornhole with them. They won :( We thought that was a bad sign- but they can have the cornhole win and we will take the football win! LOL.
Our new West Virginia friends
When we went into the game our seats were at the waaaay top! We had a good time and even had a blimp! i dont remember the last time NC State had a blimp! LOL. Half time there were fireworks and I love fireworks so I was really happy!
This is why I love them
Miss Lindsey Johns and Tera Humphrey came and sat with us too.
In the 4th quarter we ended up sneaking down to the first level to cheer on our winning Wolfpack. And then of course WE WON! 23-7! WHOOP! We got to watch the ceremony too :D It was at the other end of the field, but it was still exciting. I really hope that game wasnt Russell's last game, but I wont be surprised if it was. I will miss him. Overall, GREAT way to end our season! and totally worth the trip to Orlando and back!
Let's go PACK!
Great Christmas present from John for sure! ;D
Our ride back was smooth, except for me refusing to take motion sickness medicine because I didnt want it to make me sleep the whole way! Of course I got sick and we had to stop for lunch so I wouldnt throw up or anything. Then I took medicine and then fell asleep. lol. They dropped us back off in Fayetteville to pick up our car. Of course it was more than we planned, but at least Snoopy is all fixed now. We headed home and spent some time with my mom and sister and brother which was a nice way to end the long day of driving.
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