Unfortunately, I started to feel really bad and found out that I had a fever :( we decided then that we wouldnt make it to church the next morning. I took a bunch of meds and went to bed. Turned out when we got up, nobody had gone to church and the service we usually go to was cancelled anyway! There was also no power. We were out of power for a few hours, but we made the best of it :D When we looked outside it was truly a winter wonderland :D SO PRETTY! After the power came back on we all got dressed up and went out and played in it! I did not let being sick get me down at all! It such nice snow. It was decent packing snow, but could have been better. We built a snowman :D Of course he was NC State! I hadnt built a snowman in YEARS! so it was fun. Did I mention we got 8 inches at his parents house?! I havnt seen that much snow since I was little! Snow pics!
Winter Wonderland!
Snoopy is COVERED!
You don't see this much!
8 inches!
Look at him being mean to me! You shouldnt be so mean to your wife, John ;)
Kisses to make up! ;D
Johns family with our snowman!- the snowman borrowed my hat ;D
When we got back we made some snacks and set the games up! We played a game called Would You Rather (from John's parents) first. It was a lot of fun. Then we ate some soup and grilled cheese :D Mine had jalapenos on it. SO YUMMY! they all thought I was crazy, but that's what my mom always made me! LOL. Then we played a game called Buzzwords. I LOVE IT! :D I love word games though, so I enjoyed it. :D I think they all did too. After games we all got together and watched Sound of Music. I had never seen it. I know, I know. It is definitely counting as one of my classic movies to cross off my list! It's Mama Martin's favorite so we watched. Of course I loved it :D
Overall, it was a fantastic day. VERY relaxing and it was exactly what I needed :D I got my snow fill for sure!
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