Chris came to visit us again! YAY! and on the Sunday he was here and exactly 1 week after having Carter we took him to the dog beach! Unfortunately, there is only 1 dog beach in Miami! You would really think there would be more with as many beaches as there are. Anyway,we couldnt take him to the beach until then because of him being neutered, so we were really excited to see how he would take to the water and the beach. The beach was packed with other dogs and it was a gorgeous day! Cater watching the other dogs

We let him sniff out the beach some and then went straight for the water! He did not like it at all!!!! He was scared of the waves. hahaha. He really does not like things coming at him and the waves were, so he didnt like them much. We ended up picking him up and carrying him into the water and he would swim back to shore and run away from the water. haha. Carter is not so sure about the water...

John trying to convince Carter the water is fun!

Carter swimming!

I think once the water gets warmer and we start going more he will enjoy it more. We met a lot of dog owners there and one of them had a black lab that was a lot older. She told me that her dog was afraid of the water when he was a puppy too. Made me feel better.
Carter had a TON of energy on the beach! I ended up walking around with him for a long time so John could spend some time with Chris. Carter and I met other dogs and he found one he really liked a lot. Her name was Lucie. They wer both puppies- she was a shih tzu. They went at it! they played so rough and ended up getting so far down the beach. At one point they got near the water and since they both dont like it, they stopped playing and ran away from the water and then started again. It was really cute. He got a lot of his energy out with her. We also met a VERY small dobermin pincher. Carter got on top of her and you couldnt even tell there was another dog. I was a bit embarrassed so I took Carter back to our area. haha.
Carter ended up falling asleep on the beach after the play time. He would get hot and uncomfortable so we would take him in the water every now and then.
Carter right before he fell asleep after playing with Lucie...I LOVE this picture!
After we left and came home we gave him another bath to get all the sand and sea water off him. He didnt mind this one as much, but he still soaked us! Chris got to help with this one and he got very soapy and wet. It was funny.
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