Originally, John and I were going to go watch the shuttle launch that was supposed to happen on Feb. 27th. Krystal and Josh were going to be Disney before coming to visit us so we were gunna pick them up and drive them down here since it was so close. Well, they moved the space shuttle launch up, so we didnt get to go :(. But John still went drove up to pick up Krystal and Josh.
They got here a little after lunch time and our plan was to hit the beach! We packed up and took them down to South Beach. It was crowded! It's usually busy, but it was packed! We then realized (when seeing a lot of people getting tickets for alcohol) that it was Spring Break. There were also a lot of man-o-wars that had dried up on the ground. They are really pretty, but can still sting on land if they are still wet at all. That night for dinner we grilled some brats out and caught up. John ended up passing out he was so tired! We ended up going to bed pretty early because we were all so tired!haha
Tuesday after I got off work around lunch time we packed up again and took them to another one of our favorite beaches. This one was not crowded at all and MUCH cleaner. We laid out, played bocce, and hung out for a few hours on the beach. It was perfect beach weather again. There were a few man-o-wars on the beach here too. Krystal picked one up! CRAZY! I dont have a picture of her doing it though- I think she has it. After the beach we went to the grocery store to buy groceries for the week. That night we made crab cakes! YUM! THANK YOU KRYSTAL FOR TEACHING ME HOW!! We also made a lasagna for the next day because we knew we were going to the Keys and would not want to cook when we got back. :D Again, the amazing chef Krystal taught me how to make a yummy and quick lasagna. I need to keep her around:D This night Josh passed out early :D Dinner was amazing by the way!
Wednesday we had rented a boat for the day! We drove down to Key Largo early and loaded up the boat and took off. Unfortunately, there was a small craft advisory so we couldnt go out as far as we wished and it was really choppy. I got a little seasick :( but afterwards I wasnt sick anymore! We went out to one snorkel sight and because it was so choppy we couldnt see anything. It was too cloudy. We dared to venture out further than we were supposed to and went to another spot and was able to see a bunch of stuff! SO glad we risked it :D We had a lot of fun on the boat, but will definitely pick a warmer and less choppy day next time. :D Afterwards we drove home and put the lasagna in the oven, took some showers, and played cornhole. It was nice. I passed out this night! LOL. :D
Big blue fish! he was really pretty
Thursday we took the day off from the sun :D I had to work some that day, so they hung out around the house. When I got home we played some more cornhole on our patio. Then we got ready and went out to eat this night :D We went to a place called John Martin's. HAHA. It's an Irish Pub on Miracle Mile. It was actually REALLY good and not that expensive! We kept waiting for them to ID John, but they didnt :( so we just had to tell them him name was John Martin. Either the guy didnt care or he didnt understand us. lol. Then we drove down to Bayside so we could walk around the harbour, but there was a Heat game and close by and parking was EXPENSIVE! So we just went back to the apartment and played games for the rest of the night :D So glad they like games as much as we do! Krystal and I won the first game we played and were SO excited because we always lose to them. They wanted to rematch and then proceeded to beat us twice in a row. lol. Oh well at least we won once!
At John Martin's
Walking to the lighthouse...tried to get a cute picture of them walking together :D
At the top of the lighthouse!
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