Last Friday I left with some of my colleagues, Anthony and Ivan, and headed to Louisville, Kentucky for what we call our ACPA Conference. It's a student affairs conference where we recruit and interview for our openings for next year and attend sessions to professionally develop ourselves. We didnt get to attend many sessions because interviews took place at the same time a lot of the conference took place. We interviewed for a few days- all day long, which was exhausting. However, it was nice to have a change of scenery. That and it was kind of chilly! It definitely made Miami more hot when I got back. haha. Anyway, we were there until Wednesday night.
As I mentioned I went with Anthony and Ivan. They will be who I work the closest with next year, so I was excited to get to spend some quality time with them. After the trip- I am very excited about next year. They are both laid back and easy going and really make me feel valued and that I have a lot to offer as a professional. Plus, they are a lot of fun :D Work has been a struggle with me this year (as I am sure you could see through my past posts) and so I am excited for sort of a fresh start soon.
Where we spent most of our time when we didnt have conferency things- it's a lot like the "Power Plant" we went to in Baltimore
We spent a lot of time at this pub- it was one of the only things open late enough for dinner that didnt cost an arm and a leg! Me with mama Lis!
Anyway, I was SO glad to get back home- but I did have a great time! Of course I missed John and the pup. Carter stopped eating the last two days and was very mopey. I know John was glad I was home to help take care of Carter some and to snap Carter out of whatever it was he was in. When I got home Carter freaked out! lots of hugs and kisses from him :D And then he went straight to his food bowl and ate some of his food. He's been picking at his food since I got home, but has been getting better and better. I think his stomach was just messed up from going on a hunger strike. lol.
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