1) Date Day with John- Saturday was an AMAZING day! John and I decided to head to a different part of South Beach for the day. We started by hanging out on the beach for a few hours- boy was it HOT! Then we went to change and walked Lincoln Road. We have lived here for almost 2 years and it's the first time we went. Sad! Its like an outdoor mall with TONS of shops and places to eat. It's a great place to people watch for sure! We decided to explore this area because someone recommended a place called Shake Shack on Lincoln Rd. Before we headed there though, we tried one of the few microbrews in South Fl.- Abbey Brewery. It was a tiny hole in the wall. I dont think we would have ever found it if we werent looking real hard for it. lol. Anyway, they had delicious beer! After that we headed to the Shake Shack for dinner. It was amazing. We will definitely be going back! They had great burgers! :D Afterwards we headed home in hopes to catch the Duke/Carolina game- BUT we got stuck in some very heavy traffic! We were literally stuck in traffic for about 2 hours. But- luckily it was a beautiful night so we jammed out with the windows down :D I sure do love that boy! We had an amazing day together :D
I felt like such a tourist taking this. lol
2) Lazy Sunday - Sunday we did absolutely nothing! It was wonderful. We napped on and off all day :D
3) Monday - I took Monday off and I ended up sleeping almost 12 hours. I musta needed it man! I then reorganized my entire kitchen. It makes so much more sense now and it had been driving me crazy for a long time. All I have left is under the sink and the fridge. YAY! John also came home at a good hour, so I got to spend the rest of the day with him. :D I feel so spoiled having such a great man!
4) Eastern NC BBQ- Wednesday night John made me dinner! Again- great man :D He made Eastern NC BBQ- which was right on the money! We also had some corn and garlic/curry/other yummies I dont even know mashed potatoes. It was SO good and we had leftover that we had it last night too :D
5) NCSU Win! NCSU won their first game in the ACC tourny! Here's to hoping we can pull out another win today! :D LOVE MY PACK!
6) Al Golden- I got to meet UM's football coach this week! He came to speak at the pep rally for the 5k I am running (yes, it's not until the end of April. I have no idea why they did it 1 1/2 early?) YAY! He was really nice. I took a picture- but I cant figure out how to not make it upside down on here :(
Hope you have a great Friday!
Yay for dates! Glad you had such a great time!