The only good thing was John's BIRTHDAY this weekend! Friday we kept it low key because I had to be up early the next day (5am!) so we went to happy hour at RA Sushi and then hung out for the rest of the night. YAY SUSHI!
Saturday I had to work part of the day for relay for life, but I left around 3 and then I gave John his presents :D Since Brad was his main present I didnt spend a ton of money, but I did blow up one of the pictures he took back at state and put it in one of the frames we had.
Side note on the frames- we had purchased NC State photos from Replay photos a few years ago and have been waiting to frame them since it's so expensive. Well we finally bought frames a few months ago and got matting for them and then realized they were the wrong size. womp womp. So they have been laying around our apartment waiting to be filled. I thought it would be nice to fill one up for him and I decided on a picture he took! It looks SO good :D It's seriously one of my favorite pictures of the bell tower. He didnt mess with the color or anything!
The John Martin original ;D (sorry it's sideways and it's not the best picture of the picture- haha)
Sunday we went to Lincoln Rd. We tried a few different places on the road and then had a very fancy dinner at a place called YardBird. It was really good- southern for here :D Here is what we ordered (we split because it because it was a lot of food!)
Our drinks came in mason jars! yay!

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