This time he got to play with another puppy while we waited for our appointment. The puppy was only 12 weeks old and wanted to jump all over Carter. Carter loved it. Of course he thinks he is small, so he played back. lol. The poor dog peed all over the floor he was so excited- twice. lol.
Anyway, Carter got weighed and weighed in at a whoping 75lbs! The vet said he needs to lose about 5lbs, but I think he looks healthy. He's really muscular. We'll cut back on his food some so he can drop a few anyway.
We found out that he has whip worms :( That explaines the throwing up and diahreea randomly. Gross. He got some medicine and it will clear them away. Also- how did we not know that we need to give our dog heartworm pills once a month? How was that not in anything we read or even told to us by the rescue or the vet? Oh geez. At least it was a small problem and not something worse!
Other than all that Carter took his shots like a champ and is otherwise a really healthy pup! :D YAY!
It also worked out that Carter had a sleep over this weekend! He was SO excited! We dog sat for one of my co-workers and she has a golden retreiver named Kirby that is about 2 months younger than Carter. They are about the same size and definitely have the same energy level!
Carter and Kirby!

And played.....
And played some more....

Look how tired he is! LOL

YAY doggy sleepovers! haha.
I had no idea you didn't know about heartworm prevention! I would have totally told you! I can't believe your vet never mentioned that to you. Bailey will be going to hers before long. She hates hers and I'm considering switching because of that. Haha. We'll see if she does any better this time. If not, we're finding another one.