
Wednesday, November 25, 2015


This summer/fall/ year has just FLOWN by. Fall is my absolute favorite, but I feel like it's just rushing by. I think that might be because we traveled for the first part of it and have been SUPER busy. Either way, I cant believe Thanksgiving is TOMORROW. Umm. What?

I'm going to do a "quick" update of the past few months (a post for each month so they are not TOO long), because honestly it's stressing me out to have to catch up. Something is better than nothing and if I keep delaying it, I may never catch up. So here goes:

Our July:
Foothills brewery!
 We had our annual 4th of July party and all our friends over :D 
We had a great time with great people :D 
 Plenty of food and drink!

Carter made a new best friend at the party
Carter followed Ty EVERYWHERE
And Ty shared his toys...(be still my heart)

Very patriotic :D 

 Fireworks at Hutch's!
I traveled to the sites I was supervising for work for a week. It included lots of good food! 
I cant post pictures of the actual camp activities for liability reasons. But it was a great time and neat to see all the work we do in action! 
 Breakfast one morning!
 Collection of Nerf Guns that were confiscated. haha oh Tipsters...
 At UGA for a meeting- this is our on site director. Yes, he's on two phones at the same time, it was that kind of summer...
 Next stop was Gtech! We went to an Atlanta Dreams Game 
 When I got back, we made brunch and ate it on our new front porch furniture :D
 Carter and Bailey had lots of play time
 My dahlias bloomed! 

We also went to see American Aquarium's solo tour at Slim's. BJ did a fantastic job, but we are not surprised by that now :D 

Overall, July was SUPER busy and mostly filled with work. Being on call for 2 months straight was incredibly stressful and took up all of my time. The camps ended on July 27th and John and I headed out of town for Kiawah and I turned off my phone! :D

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