
Friday, August 5, 2016

25 Weeks!

July 25th
Baby Girl is the size of a Prairie Dog this week! Alan! Alan! haha :D If you dont know what I'm talking about, please watch this link. You will not regret it. :D Anyways, Baby M has developed her sense of balance and she can tell which is way is up and which way is down! She's about 2lbs now and 14 inches tall :D

How's Mama?: I'm doing pretty good! My pelvic bones still hurt and mostly it hurts to get up and down and roll over in bed. I also pulled a muscle in my back, which is isnt awesome, but it will be fine :D Sleeping has been a bit of a challenge too. Honestly, after all the throwing up of the first trimester (and while I definitely still have some of these other symptoms) I feel like this pregnancy has been so great. Growing a human isnt going to be comfortable, but what my body is doing, I would say I've had it pretty good.  I feel very thankful to get to experience life growing in me. I know that not everyone gets to experience this and so I am incredibly thankful God let me have this precious little miracle. Baby girl is kicking up a storm lately. She's just dancing away. :D 

Probably the craziest things this week are how much my super sniffer (as Carter would call it) has dramatically increased. I can smell EVERYTHING. Even more so than before. It's crazy. I also keep having the crazy dreams. I've always been one to have vivid dreams here and there. I guess for a lot of women they start during pregnancy? I've definitely had them before (usually when I'm on my period) but they have definitely increased. This week I had one of the scariest dreams of my life. Actually, it's probably THE scariest. Have you ever seen the movie It, based of a Stephen King novel? I saw it when I was much younger (Mom, why did you ever let me watch this movie?!) and I have not thought about it since. It was terrifying and I hate clowns because of it. Well, I dreamed the clown was coming to kill me. Every time I got away, he would find me again. It just kept happening over and over and it felt SO real. Poor John woke me up because I was crying in my sleep. Most of my dreams are not scary, but man this one was awful! Here's to hoping there are no more scary clown dreams in my future!

How's Daddy? He got to feel baby girl kick again! It's not hard or often and really she's a shy little one and wont kick when his hand goes to my belly. I'm starting to wonder if she's comforted by the warmth of his or something. But it's almost automatic. She'll be kicking and kicking, here comes daddy's hand, annnnd nothing. It's quite frustrating. Honestly, it makes me feel a little lonely. It's hard to explain. I just want John to be able to enjoy her as much as I get to! Daddy has also been a trooper this week. Talk about crazy hormones. There are no words for how out of whack I've been. He really should have sought shelter. Instead, he toughed it out and just continued to be nice to me. lol. He's such a good man. (Y'all I was crazy hormonal. It was not pretty)

This week: This week was the usual grind. Just busy with being on call for me and John was busy at work. They are redoing their entire auditorium at his work and so he's been keeping busy with that. I did get my  hair done this week! It was lovely as always. Check out the fresh do in the pic above! Kala did it a little lighter this time with some highlights and I LOVE it. So does John. I'm really happy with it :D Kala always does an amazing job though :D 

The week wrapped up with OUR SUMMER PROGRAMS ENDING! Praise the Lord. No more on-call. Phew. I survived another summer. haha. They ended on Saturday. Sunday John and I went out with Mortons and Kinlaws and Hillary to celebrate Kristian's birthday! We went out on the Morton's new boat and had a great time! 

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