
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

24 Weeks

July 18th
Oh. my. goodness. The Atlantic Puffin is so adorable. Baby matches up in size to one of these now! Baby girl's lungs are so good at breathing now that she's reached her first viability milestone! YAY! Baby M has taste buds now, which means she can taste some of the things that I eat! I plan on eating as many different kinds of foods in hopes it will help her not be so picky :D She is about 13 inches long now and weights about 1.5lbs!

How's Mama?: Tired. Again. I think I'll be tired for the next 20 years though. haha. I had to go back out of town to GA for a work emergency and my flight home got delayed again. This time I got home close to 2:30am. Yikes. I worked from home the next day, my body just couldnt do it any other way. Tuesday was a very emotional day for me too. 6 years since my daddy has been gone. It's so hard to believe. He would be over the moon excited about this little girl and I dont even get to share her with him. or the other way- I dont get to share him with her. Both are tough. This week, probably because of that, my hormones have been a little crazy. I've been a ton more emotional lately. Poor John. He's such a trooper.

I have noticed this week that my eyes are a little drier than normal and my pelvic bones hurt. It feels like I've been riding a bike for hours and just got off. Fun stuff. I'm guessing it's just my bones moving in preparation for birth. Nothing seems to help though. I bought a belly band, took a bath, have used a heating pad- nothing. Hopefully it will ease up some. It can be extremely painful! I've also not been sleeping well at all. Lots of tossing and turning. I gained a little weight this week and didnt seem to grow any. Again, I know I'm really only sharing the tough parts of pregnancy, but I promise it's awesome. The little kicks are totally worth it all and I've started to feel her more and more. It's SO neat! A little different than I thought because they are still so gentle. I call her my little dancer. She likes to dance in my belly :D Maybe she'll be a little ballerina. :D or a dancer of some kind. Let's be honest between me and John, she wont be little. haha. 

How's Daddy? Awesome. He's the best. When I got home Tuesday night/Wednesday morning from my trip he knew how hard of a day I had had. He surprised me be cleaning the house, arranging a beautiful bouquet of flowers! (he picked out four different kinds and arranged him himself.), and gave me a ring :D He's been so supportive of me through all my emotions with my dad not being here, my crazy pregnancy stuff, and work. He's had a mess of his own at work, so it means even that much more. I dont deserve this man, but am thankful every day for him. 

                             More of the lilies have bloomed and they are so pretty!!
Check out that mani! Thanks again for everything babe :D 
He totally has some daddy nesting going on and has been looking a chandelier for baby girls room (oh yea, it's that serious!). He is already wrapped around this little girls finger. So tight.
This Week: 
The first part of the week I spent in Athens at UGA again. It was great to be there as a support and get to see a little more of the program there. They have the best dining hall I have ever seen. It's two stories and probably has 20 stations to choose food from. AND the food is actually all really good. I got a LOT of comments from the ladies working in the dining hall about the baby. People are not shy. I got a lot of "When are you due?" or "How are you two doing?!" without anyone asking I'm if I'm actually pregnant. I guess there isnt a question anymore? I would never ask anyone- at ANY point in their pregnancy, but I guess that's just me. Most of them are nice, so it's fine. lol.

This week was our last week with Kirby! He's a sweet boy, but I'm sure he misses his parents. John actually left Wednesday morning, so luckily I got to see him for a little bit before he left, even if we were sleeping for most of it. He had to go to Asheville for work and was gone until Saturday. So it was me and the dogs. I mentioned that I stayed home on Wednesday to work from home. This also happened and was much needed:
Ice cream in the bath FTW :D

I had a dentist appointment this week too and I LOVE getting my teeth cleaned! They were super quick because they said my teeth looked great! YAY!. They also have a massage chair they turn on while they are cleaning and it was lovely. 

Saturday John got home from his trip late and we kind of vegged out on the couch together. We got dinner out and watched a movie. 

Sunday was girls day out! Kristian and I wanted to take Krystal out for one last girls day and pamper her before the baby came. :D Kristian made all these cute clues for Krystal to use to guess where we were going. It was so fun! We started with lunch at her place of choice, which ended up being Panera- YUM. Kristen Klingenmaier met us there and we had a great time! Next up we got manis and pedis. So relaxing! Then we had a little time before our next stop so we hit up Michaels and shopped! I love that place. Next we went and got massages! They were really good. LIke really good. I was very pleased with the lady who gave me mine. Now I want another. haha :D After our girls day, we went back to Krystal's where our guys were hanging out and Andrew had made some brisket and ribs. YUM. It was a lovely day. I definitely see more girls days in our future :D 
Love these two!

Before I skipped out for my trip to GA, John and I FINALLY posted to the Facebook world we were having a little girl :D Here was our announcement :D 

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