April 18th
Baby M is the size of a Bee Hummingbird, which is the size of bumble bee- not sure why the app didnt just say bumble bee. lol It's also the size of a brussel sprout!
Baby M's fingers and toes are losing their webbing and all of the major body parts have developed. It's time to focus on growing!
How's Mama? This week I finally gained a little bit of weight! This transition from always being on a diet, to being okay with gaining weight has been really difficult for me. It's been really hard to change that mentality. I know this is the first real week that I've gained anything, but I was still bummed at first when the scale was higher than last week. Then I remembered why and was okay with- but it will definitely take some getting used to! My belly also grew 1/2 inch! I can tell my clothes are starting to get a little tighter. So I was glad I went shopping last week! Dresses and skirts are much more comfortable these days- plus they are super cute :D
Aside from all of that, I have still been pretty nauseous, completely exhausted, and pretty much no good for anything. My boobs are still SO sore and the cramping has yet to subside. I'm still waking up in the middle of the night each night and this week I found it a bit more difficult to get comfortable sleeping. I've been doing my best to get in a bit more exercise this week, but with all the nausea, it's been difficult. Most nights this week, I have not been hungry and John's had to pick up the slack cooking (which I still cant eat). The newest preggo thing I have going on is my aversion to chicken. Even the thought of it is gross. It's even hard to write this. I was going to make chicken quesadillas one night and couldnt stomach the thought of touching the raw chicken or eating it. Thank goodness for John :D. I also still cant eat many vegetables.
I really hate that I've been so sick at night, I've really fallen behind on keeping the house up and we've either been eating out a lot more or John's had to make food. I hate the feeling of getting behind. So hopefully this evening sickness doesnt stay around for too long. I've also noticed a bit of heart burn this week. Nothing too bad, but it's definitely there.
My biggest craving so far is JERSEY MIKES. I've pretty much wanted a Club Sub Mike's Way since I found out I was pregnant. This is the only food item I am not okay with John eating in front of me. It would just be cruel. lol. I told him if he brought one into the house that that would be the first night he had to sleep on the couch (like ever). So make sure you eat that at work John Martin! :D I've also still been obsessed with sweets. All the sweets. and strawberries. In my not pregnant life, I hated strawberries, this week (well in one day! ha!) I ate a whole carton. At least they are not the worst things to eat?!
How's Daddy? Still super busy with both of his jobs. Still doing a great job at being supportive and doing as much research as he can for things for our little one. At this point, he's probably done more than I have! Daddy also had a fun time getting Mommy's rings off her hand this week. Last week when I went to get my nails done, I couldnt get my wedding rings off :(. My fingers were swollen and I was so terrified that I would have to get them cut off. (Umm, how are they already this swollen!?). John found a neat trick to use flat ribbon to wrap around my finger to compress it and then move the ring off. It hurt. It hurt so bad. BUT, they are off. Praise the Lord. Thanks John!
Highlights from the week: We had a groupon for BroadSlab Distillery and decided that this weekend was probably the only time we could go before it expired. We invited the Kinlaws along and had a really great time! The tour was very interesting and the location was beautiful! Afterwards, we all went and tried out Lincoln Brewing (we had another groupon that came with pizza). After our little adventure, we went back to the Kinlaws and hung out and played a game. Steve ended up joining us. It was a very nice, relaxing, much needed day! (Especially with John traveling at least once each weekend day!)

Garden! I got all of the stuff for our gardens (flowers and veggies) and spent the week getting the vegetable garden ready for planting. We had TERRIBLE fire ants and weeds in it, so it took me awhile to get the bed cleaned out. This year, we are keeping it simple- 2 kinds of tomatoes, squash, zucchini, green and red peppers. I have a few herbs and then flowers throughout it! :D I planted marigolds in the garden this year. They are supposed to help with squash bugs and tomato hornworms. After treating the soil and planting these- hopefully we have less this year. At least I'm more prepared and know what I'm looking for this year! :D
Daddy's Birthday- Saturday was also my Dad's birthday. His birthday is still super hard for me. Especially, right now with the little one coming. I know he would have been the most excited above everyone.
This week was pretty great! Here's to bringing on week 12 and going to our next appointment!! I'll feel so much better after I see our little one once again!
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