
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Week 10!

April 11th

Can you believe that I'm already 1/4 of the way through this thing?! That's crazy! Baby M this week is the size of a Tetra Fish 1 1/4 inches long. Baby has some peach fuzz, buds of baby teeth, elbows and other joints that bend. The baby's digestive system is also starting to function now! This little one sure is growing up :D

How's Mama this week? Still about the same. Tired, nauseous, crampy, all the same. lol. I lost a little weight again this week and didnt grow anywhere at all. My belly is starting to become a lot more firm though! It feels really weird. I think it's crazy that even though the baby is still so tiny that my whole belly is starting to get firm! I had a lady at work tell me this week that I was starting to show...ummm. Pretty sure that's still fat, but thanks! :D Then when I got home, hubby said that he could tell my belly was getting a little more round. So- maybe! Right now I just feel like I look the same, but bloated. It's strange though because normally that would make me feel gross- but I feel pretty :D I really like being pregnant. 

How's Daddy this week? He's been super supportive and helping any way he can. Even if that means going into the other room and shutting himself out of the living room for me to be sick without him watching me. I know he doesnt mind, because me being sick makes him sick. haha. He's also exhausted. He's been working extra hard- at both his regular job and at BARBI. So thankful for all he does for us. 

Highlights from the week: This week we bought our first baby stuff!!! I have a friend at work who had her last baby about 9 months ago, Ashley. She was selling her baby swings. John and I looked them up and for the price she was selling them at, we couldnt pass them up! So we are proud owners of these guys!

This is the Fisher Price Snugapuppy Swing- retails at most places for $160 and Amazon has it for $110. We got it for $50! It's in great condition too!
 This is the Fisher Price Space Saver Swing and Seat- retails at most places for $115 and Khols has it for $80. We got it for $30! This one is also in great condition :D 
We are pretty happy about our purchases :D We actually have another seat/bouncer that we got from the Kinlaws. It was selling at RedHat (where Josh works) for $5 from one of his co-workers. We couldnt pass on that one either! I dont have a picture of it right now tho :(

The most exciting thing about this week is that we called and shared the great news with all the rest of our family and friends! At least the ones we didnt want to find out via Facebook or someone else :D It was such fun sharing the news. This little one is already mightily loved :D
The picture we texted to some family :D
Saturday, my mom, Brittney, and I all went and got our nails done! We got a mani/pedi and then enjoyed a nice lunch together. It was a lovely afternoon!! Afterwards, I went to Kohls to buy some skirts and clothes that I can grow in as this baby continues to get bigger! :D

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