March 21st
Baby M is the size of a ladybug this week! How appropriate!!
Baby M is the size of a ladybug this week! How appropriate!!

This week Baby M is starting to form his or her eyes and cute little nose!
How's Mama this week? About the same. Lots of nausea. Lots of it. Same heightened sense of smell, tender breasts, cramping, and just overall exhaustion. They keep telling me the nausea is a good sign- so I'll take it. :D Anything for a healthy little one!
This week has definitely been the most challenging so far. I threw up because of food for the first time. I tried to make myself eat some yogurt to get the calcium and I just wasnt feeling it. I ate it anyway. They tell you not to do that- and now I know why. Just the smell of yogurt turns my stomach now. Unfortunately, I work in a cubicle and my neighbor loves yogurt. I've had to quietly get up and leave whenever she eats it. Pollen struck with a vengeance this week too. Apparently, when you're pregnant any allergies you have can become much worse. I felt so bad on Wednesday and I couldnt stop sneezing (annoying everyone at work, I'm sure) I ended up having to take a Zyrtec. NOTHING was going to help, so I caved. I felt MUCH better after a nap and a few hours later.
How's Daddy? Daddy (along with Mommy) is still bummed we are not going to Puerto Rico. BUT we did celebrate his birthday big with a few days off and a quick trip to the beach! See below! He's also doing a magnificent job taking care of me :D
Highlights from the week: This week we were supposed to have left for Puerto Rico- so John and I were both kind of bummed. More so bummed because being on vacation sounded much nicer than working. haha. We decided to take Thursday and Friday off anyways and spend some time relaxing- we both needed it bad.
Thursday I planned a fun little get away for us to celebrate John's birthday early! :D I planned a fake Puerto Rico day in Wilmington. We got up kind of early and headed down there. Our first stop was Wilmington Brewing Company and John was able to sample a few beers. I had a root beer and I usually hate root beer. It was delicious. Pregnancy is so weird. lol. Our next stop was San Juan Cafe for lunch! I found it on Yelp and it had great reviews. It was just a little hole in the wall, but the food was AMAZING.
Next stop was the beach! Duh! We spent a few hours lounging on the beach, enjoying the weather. It was actually a perfect beach day. Just warm enough and the water wasnt even that chilly! We also played bocce. It was such a nice time and Baby M got to enjoy his or her first trip to the beach! Mommy even got in!
On our way home we stopped and got some tacos from a new place near our house and then started to binge on Game of Thrones (we wanted to re-watch the last two seasons). I was very lucky that I didnt really get sick until we got home!!! Thank goodness!! :D
Friday we lounged all day. Which was good because Friday was really rough for me. Bless John's heart. He's been taking such good care of me. We watched a lot of Game of Thrones and I basically stayed on the couch most of the day. The Weavers invited us over for dinner, so we did make it over there for the night. We hadnt told them yet, so we stopped and bought some stuff to take over- Cinnamon rolls and pickles. When we walked into their house, we told them what we brought thinking it would hint at the news and instead Becca was like YES! I love both of those things.....hahaha. Fail. John was like "OH, it's a new craving for Anna....must be the baby!" and all sorts of celebrations :D They also shared with us that they ARE MOVING DOWN THE STREET FROM US! Literally 2.5 miles! SO EXCITING! We also got to take Carter with us over there and he made two new friends- which he'll get to start playing with more in May! YAY!
Saturday was rough again, I just keep telling myself this is a good sign!! More Game of Thrones. Friday night when we stopped at the store, we had also gotten some chicken salad- it was delicious. I may or may not have made John take me back to Lowe's to buy more of it. Eating was a struggle and the sound of it was delicious! So off we went. John is such a good hubby :D
Sunday was a little bit better- and it was Easter! We just enjoyed each other's company and made the best of the day :D Our little vacation was awesome- definitely not long enough, but awesome.
In hindsight, if we were able to go to Puerto Rico- it would have been a terrible week to go. I was WAY too sick and I would have hated to have ruined such an awesome experience.
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