
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

17 weeks!

May 30th

Baby is the size of a chipmunk now! SO CUTE! Baby's bones are ossifying and the umbilical cord is strengthening. Baby M is getting so big so fast! 

How's Mama? I gained about 1 1/2 pounds over the past two weeks, which isnt too bad considering we were on vacation!! My measurements were the same as last week. I've continued to be MUCH better and seem to have some energy back. No surge in energy, just not as tired as before, so I'll take it! Migraines and headaches started this past weekend. I even threw up once :( So those suck. I've continued to have some round ligament pain, but nothing bad. :D The weirdest thing this week was being able to notice when my bladder gets full. Like I can feel it when I walk. Such a weird sensation!!! I also was sitting at my desk one day this week and could not stop smelling banana. I smelled it for about 2 hours before I had to find who had a banana. I asked around and eventually found that my supervisor had eaten one that morning and the peel was in her trash- she's a good distance away from me too. Crazy strong smell! Carter would call it my super sniffer :D I forgot a picture this week :( 

How's Daddy? Doing good! Jumped right back into work and it's been a really busy week for him. Missing vacation already!!! 

The week: Monday, John and I got to work and cleaned out the entire guest room and moved in all the baby furniture!!! It's a baby room now! It looks so weird for it to be a baby room!! Other than that- it was an exhausting week. Tiring after coming back from vacation- even though it was a short week! haha :D We did get our first cloth diapers!! Our baby is going to have the cutest tooshie!! I bought them from a co-worker, who also gave us a ton of other stuff for free. Including two bumbos, a car seat!, and stroller that works with the car seat (it's a little older, but it will be nice to have an extra!). 

 Daddy putting the crib together!
The room!
I forgot to get a picture after the crib was put together. lol :D

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