September 19th
Baby girl is the size of a ferret this week! She is between 17-19 inches long and weighs between 4-6lbs. Babies start to vary even more now! So the guessing is even harder. Wherever she is at, she will put on about 1/2 lb a week at this point. phew! She's started to keep her eyes open while she's awake and she's dancing up a storm in there! Her movements have started to turn into more of rolls than jabs since she's getting so big in there. She still jabs, just not as often. lol.
How's Mama? MUCH better than last week. I still had a nasty cough for most of the week, but much better overall. Very tired, not sure if it's residual from being sick or just pregnancy in general. lol. Sleeping is also getting even harder, so that's probably a huge factor as to why I'm tired also. I am loving her rolling around so much this week and very excited about my shower this weekend!!! Oh and the heartburn is back. ALL of the heartburn. I have to keep tums on me at all times now. lol
How's Daddy? I stressed him out. There is so much to be done before the shower (that we decided to have at our house). On top of that he's been working late each evening. He's one superhero though!! When he does get home from work, he hasnt stopped in the house. Each night he's either worked on crown molding in little girls room or worked on the ceiling in the kitchen. His dad even came over a few nights this week to help with both.
This week? This week was filled with doing stuff for the shower after work. Cleaning and prepping. Wednesday night we did have baby class again! We learned relaxing techniques and John learned a lot of support techniques. They actually came in very handy this week as after class Wednesday in the middle of the night, I woke up SCREAMING with a charley horse. I thought I might have gotten away with no leg cramps since we were so far, but NOPE. I've had charley horses before, but this was by far the worst one I've ever had. John was awesome. He jumped right up from his sleep and started to massage my leg and help however he could. He started to use the techniques we learned in class- which helped A LOT. This happened again the next night, but I was lucky enough to catch that one was coming on before it did. Phew. That pain is no joke. I fear for labor. Friday night came and John and I worked on the house some.
Saturday was my shower!! I will have a whole post on this! But it was perfect :D I have the best husband, best sister, best mom, and best best friend in the whole wide world. They made my day better than I could have imagined. Everything was beautiful and delicious! During my shower, Josh and AJ took John out for a guys day to celebrate their way. After the shower, we all got back together and hung out for dinner and drinks :D We learned this week that our favorite bottle shop was sold. We've become good friends with the owners over the past 3 years and was sad to hear the news. I might have cried (shocker). So one of our stops was to go say bye to him.
Love my mom and sister!
Sunday- was basically a recovery day for most of the day. We slept in and then slept on the couch and didnt get up until about 4pm when we had to get ready for my brother's surprise party. If it hadnt been for his birthday, we would have stayed on the couch and probably wouldnt have moved all day. haha. Instead, we went over to Britt's parents house and celebrated my sweet brother. I cant believe he's 25!! So thankful he has an awesome wife that planned a special event for him :D
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