
Friday, October 28, 2016

Week 36!

Oct 10th
Image result for chihuahua
Baby girl is the size of a chihuahua this week! I cant believe how big she is getting and I cant believe I am 9 months pregnant. I mean, when did that even happen?! I feel like I just peed on a stick. Not to the point where we could have a baby at any time! She's about 19 inches and weighs 6lbs now! She's almost to full term and is just spending her time packing on some baby fat :D

How's Mama? Overwhelmed. Y'all, I mean seriously. We are going to have a baby soon. Her nursery isnt done, the house isnt where I want it, all the things. I might have been a bit overwhelmed this week. Not to mention that we werent even at our house for part of the week. More on that in a bit. Just feeling a bit unprepared this week. The braxton hicks continue and they do seem to get more and more intense as the weeks progress. All the other fun things include- constipation, not sleeping well, and ALL the heartburn. I've woken up throwing up in my mouth numerous times this week. It's disgusting. I've just gotten to the point where I leave tums sitting out on the nightstand so I dont have to get up. On the positive side of things, she's moving a TON. I thought this would slow down based on everything I've read, but she's just a dancing away in there. It's SO cool to watch my belly move. I've tried to catch it on camera, but she's got some stage fright. lol. She makes all the uncomfortable worth it. :D

How's Daddy? Overwhelmed too. There's just so much going on right now that it's ridiculous. We would be this busy if we werent expecting, so getting ready to have a baby is just an added on HUGE thing. lol. He's still bringing work home and taking care of me :D He also went dad mode and installed the car seat!! It's SO weird to have a car seat in the car!!

This week: Well, Monday when we still didnt have power and Duke Progress Energy was saying it would be off till next Sunday, we packed up our stuff and headed to John's parents house. I ended up having to take the full day off and John went ahead to work after helping me unload everything. For the most part, everything in our fridge was ruined and will have to be tossed out. We were able to save some frozen meat and brought that with us to Jim and Jane's house. Being at their place was really nice. Electricity, company, cell service, hot showers lol Little things :D 

Tuesday, we found out our power had come back on around midnight! So much for Sunday. lol. We were both so busy for a few days after work the next few days that we didnt even have time to move home, so we just stayed with the Martins. The commute was AWESOME. 25 minutes to work? Yes, please. lol. Anyways, so Tuesday we both worked like normal. I say worked like normal, but my work threw us a baby shower at lunch!! Again,we were overwhelmed with kindness! So many gifts. It was behind nice of everyone!! After work we had a breastfeeding class. We try to make these nights a little special and get dinner together. Tuesday we went to Rudino's before our class :D  It was also nice to have John's parents available to take care of Carter for us so we didnt have to rush back to their place and take him out. 

Ladybug toboggan that a co-worker made! It's freaking adorable!!!

Wednesday, we were supposed to have a concert after work, but it ended up getting cancelled for a medical emergency of one of the members. The 2nd concert to get cancelled in less than a week. We were SUPER bummed. Here we are trying  to do these things that will be too hard with a little one and they get cancelled- twice! :( Since it got cancelled we had originally had a tour of the hospital scheduled. We were able to get that back and went there after work. Getting a tour of the hospital made it ALL too real. Y'all, I'm having a baby soon. AH! While we were on the tour, we found out one of the girls from our labor and delivery class had her baby that day! Then we figured out who was next, and it's me! I just cant believe it. I know it will be fine, but I'm a bit terrified. Since the tour wasnt that long, John- being the sweetheart he is, went to his parents house and finished packing up what I missed earlier that day, and brought everything home. He let me go straight home after the tour. He's the best. 

Thursday, we crashed. Just too busy every night. SO tired! I did go and pick out fabric for little girls room! It was so nice to have a plan put together for colors and what I was going to make. My crazy self decided I couldnt wait for someone else to do it, since so much was pending on the color selected, so I decided to do it myself :D Oh! my mom also took me out to lunch for my birthday (we finally found a time to get together). She gave me the sweetest "Mom" necklace :D 
(picture of necklace!)

Friday, we had another baby appointment! Still doing well, still head down, and still not dilated at all. We got to see our precious little one on an ultrasound this week! :D We learned she's measuring at about 6lbs 7oz- 46 percentile. Which at first had me concerned, but really she's just average and all the doctor's said that's perfect. So I'll take it :D We also learned she is sunny-side up! They said she would likely rotate. If she doesnt, I'll be in for some awesome back labor, I'm sure. 

Friday night, we got to babysit Mason while the Kinlaws went on a date night! They wanted to fit one in before her maternity was over (I cant believe how fast it went!). We had a great time loving on that little boy and were glad we were finally able to babysit him. Honestly, it was very eye-opening for us. haha :D Sleep, eat, eat some more, diaper change, eat and sleep more, and more diaper changes. It was good for us to see what we have coming up :D He's so sweet, I could have held him all night. 

The rest of the weekend was filled football (an awful game that we should have won), and cleaning/working around the house and in the nursery! Hopefully, this next week isnt as crazy :D

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