As a side note- John and I filled up our car the other day and it cost us $97. WHAT?! Geez. We are not driving anywhere that is not required now! haha.
Anyway, Carter did great getting his rabies shot. Now he has a green bell tag along side his name tag to prove he has the shot. It looks very Christmasy, so I dont much care for it but I can write it off on him being born at Christmas. lol. The vet said that we are doing a great job with him. His brothers and sisters had gotten their shot the same day and everyone got weighed. All his brothers and sister were 30lbs. Carter was a good ol' 34lbs. lol. He was the biggest of the litter, so they said he was right where he should be.
We also had the vet check his allergies. She again said that it was probably just seasonal allergies, but if we wanted to have him tested we would need to find another vet. I was talking to my Administrative Assistant, Tracy, and she said that her dog has similar allergies and she just puts a shirt on her dog so the oils from the grass dont get on the dogs and she's less itchy. We tried it that evening with an old shirt and he was TOO cute! Here's a picture.
On another note, John and I have been leaving the patio doors open for him and he has had MANY less accidents then before! In fact, since the door has been open he hasnt peed in the apt at all. When the doors get shut it's a bit more risky. When it's shut he will just go sit in front of it- but if we are not in the room to see him, we dont open and then an accident happens. SO I think we are going to train him to ring a bell for us so that way we know he has to go. I will keep you posted on what we decide to do with that.
Next week, Leigh Ellen is going to go with us to meet the vet they used to use. She says he is really friendly and was a really good vet, so we are going to go and do a meet and greet with Carter next week. I will also keep you posted on how that goes! :D
Unfortunately, he has gotten more difficult on walking on a leash. I think a lot of the problem is he has decided to have selective hearing and does not listen to us well when we give him commands. Obedience training is a must as soon as we can get in. I want to train him as quick and as young as we can so it's easier for all of us.
I do love him very much! He is adorable. Here is a picture of him cuddling with me in bed one night :D
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