YAY! John and I have been saving and with the raise I got recently, we were able to pay our car off a little bit quicker than we had planned! Now, the only debt we have is my student loans. GREAT feeling!! We got our car 2 years this past March and have worked very hard to pay it off as quick as we can. :D Thanks Dave Ramsey! and John and Mr. Martin for making me attend that class!! It has been much appreciated and I feel like John and I are much smarter with our money now.
If you are curious Dave Ramsey gives a class on Financial Peace- it talks about how to budget, pay of your debt, save for the future, how to buy a house, etc. Dave Ramsey is a Christian and uses a lot of Bible to support the reasons why he advocates for financial peace. : D
John and I have decided that we will continue to put money aside like we still have the car payment. It will go into our "car" fund, so when we need to buy another car (not for a few years hopefully since I work where I live) we can just buy one out right- or at least close to it!
I feel very blessed that we were able to do this so quick and even more blessed that I have a financially responsible husband :D Here is a picture of us the day we bought the car March 5, 2009!

Yay! Congrats!