I couldnt believe that John had only ever dyed Easter eggs like one other time! It was such a huge tradition in my family! I feel like a bad wife for not making him do it sooner! lol. Every Easter my family would dye eggs the Saturday before. Then Easter Sunday we would get up and see our baskets from the Easter bunny!, head to church, come home and eat a HUGE Easter dinner, and then my parents would go hide the eggs we colored and we would go hunt for them! We usually did that until it got dark outside and we couldnt play anymore :D I would really like to do that with my kids some day because it meant a lot to me as a child and it made Easter more special :D
Anyway, I dyed a few eggs and John dyed one. lol. He is so meticulous! BUT his egg was the best. He always out does me in the kind of stuff. haha!
Us dying the eggs- a lot of my coworkers were there. It was fun!

John's is the one egg that is 5 colors on the bottom left. He spent so much time dying it! haha It is definitely the best!
My Attempted NC State one :D
The rest of Easter we went and got Carter some more toys and stuff. :D He was also 4 months yesterday!!! He is doing very well :D We got him a few toys since he is starting to lose his baby teeth and grow the adult ones. We dont want him to chew our stuff up! He needed more toys anyway. We got a few and only gave him 2 new ones. We also cleaned up all the old ones so he would be excited about them again when we pulled them out. He is only getting the same toys for 3-4 days and then we will switch so he doesnt get bored with them. He LOVES plastic bottles, so that's always a cheap toy for him too :D Anyway, we gave him a stuff elephant yesterday that makes lots of squeaky noise and he loved it so much he played with it for about 2 hours! haha. then he cuddled with it and takes it everywhere with him!! We also gave him a cloth bone that freezes that is good for his teeth that are coming in :D Anyway, Nate and Leigh Ellen also let us borrow a dog hammock thing for him until they get another dog and he loved it! he jumped right up on it and plays on it now. lol. I couldnt believe how quick he took to it! Even when his toys fall off, he goes and gets them and get rights back on it! We will have to buy him one when they need theirs back now!! haha. :D
The Hammock!
Easter night we watched another movie (we LOVE movies) and then I went to bed so I could start work again today. The long weekend was very nice and much needed. I am such a lucky woman to have such an amazing man that I get to spend every day with :D YAY!
We always dyed eggs too. I thought everybody did! Haha. BTW...Carter is getting so big!
ReplyDeleteI thought everyon dyed them too!! guess not :(. and i know! he needs to stop growing! lol