Anyway, this post will be about Carter's progress! Carter has been doing SUCH a better job at things! We can tell that he is definitely maturing. Which makes me sad and makes me happy. He is getting so big! Our guess is that he is up to 43lbs now!!! Big boy. :D
After our 2nd puppy class we started working a lot on walking on a leash- luring him with treats. We also starting working harder on "leave it." He has done SO well with both! I mention them together because "leave it" is a huge part of us walking him. lol Anyway, last week he was getting so good with "leave it" and walking that John walked him past some ducks and he didnt run after them!!! John told him to leave it and he looked at John for a treat and was SO good! He ended up being that good on all his evening walks last week! I was so proud of him :D I walk him every morning before I go to work and I have been practicing leave it with him too, during the walk and then after also. I got to where I could put cheese (his favorite) on his paws and he wouldnt touch them! SUCCESS!! :D
I dont remember if I mentioned it last week or not, but Carter cut his face some how. Anyway, he keeps scratching it and opening it back up, so we had to put a cone on him :(. It hurts my heart! I was so happy when we were going to be able to finally take it off the next day, but when we took him for a walk (we take it off then) and got back he scratched it open again before we could get the cone back on. He's so miserable. :(. and it has to be uncomfortable to sleep in! My poor baby! A few more days :(
Last week our friends Leigh Ellen and Nate got one of their dogs back. They had to give them away because they were not too friendly with their new baby. Anyway, they got one of them back- Moxie. Carter and Moxie get to play A LOT now. We try to take them to the big field most every night. Moxie is a boxer and is older than Carter, so she can handle him and his puppiness. :D They run and play and it's nice :D It kind of does my job of excising him for me. haha. I am glad that Carter gets to play with a dog almost every day now. I know he loves it.
Best picture I could get so far
Waiting for treats!
Other updates about Carter-
-He still has fleas! I dont know where they are coming from and why Frontline is not working! I called the vet today and am waiting for a call back. We have got to do something! i feel like a bad parent, but I have really tried everything. It's very frustrating!!!
-We got Carter a Wolfpack Jersey! We got it because he's itchy still and the shirts in the store were as much as this jersey! So we got the jeresy. He doesnt like it much. haha
-We have been practicing "stay". He has gotten MUCH better at this! I can now put his food in his bowl, ask him to stay, and walk across the kitchen without him running to his food! I am going to try leaving the room this week and see how it goes.
-He can jump up on the couch now. lol. I saw him do it for the first time last night and was so SHOCKED! He struggled a bit, but John said he's done it a few times. I am pretty sure we have decided that he can be on the couch now. lol we put him up there all the time anyway.
-When it rains Carter still has accidents in the apartment. I think he is afraid of the ground being wet? He will walk out, run back in and then use the bathroom. SO ANNOYING! So that is something else we need to really work on.
-Oh and lastly, added to the hit list are my cowgirl boots. He got them. :(. He only scuffed them, but he scuffed them a lot. I dont know if I can fix them :( I cried. Sad day.
Overall, he's doing great. If I can just get rid of the fleas and the cone- I will be a VERY happy person!
Ps. He things he's human and sleeps with a pillow under his head. TOO CUTE!
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