This past Monday was our 2nd puppy class! Again, it was fun :D Here is a picture of Carter on the way to class. He has gotten to LOVE putting his head out the window! I still hold his leash because I still dont trust him not to jump out of the car. haha. He still doesnt like getting in the car initially though. Not sure why. Maybe because the car is so big?
Looking out the window- his nose going a mile a minute!
We were a few minutes late (of course) but Lorianne filled us in quickly. Since we had worked the most on walking on a leash we showed her what we had done with him. It's hard because he doesnt listen as well when other dogs are around. He's gotten better walking around campus, but dogs still make him not focus well. He did pretty well, but was still distracted. It's a good place to work on walking on a leash with distractions though!
We also worked on "leave it". We were to put a treat on the ground, let him see it, and then cover it up. When we said leave it and he looked at us, we were to treat him. We did it a few times and practiced throughout the class and he got better at it!
We also worked on playing games with him for him to learn to like John and I the most. This helps with when we call him, not matter what he is doing, he will come to us. Not so good at this. lol. He got bored really fast and even treats didnt work that well. He was also VERY distracted by the other dogs and just wanted to play with them. I think part of this is due to us not exercising him before we went- we wont do that again! Lorianne suggested that we bring a favorite toy or two next time and to practice with that at home.
We also worked on motivation. Lorianne told us to stick our hand out for Carter and whenever he touched his nose to it, he would get a treat. It's supposed to help motivate them to listen to us too. That's still a work in progress, but he's slowly getting it.
Other than that we just talked about tips for a lot of other things. I really enjoy going mostly because it provides us with an opportunity to socialize him, learn some of those tips, and really train him with some of his major distractions. Over class was good! We lost some of the dogs from last week and got 2 new puppies. I was able to snap a picture of Champ and Maximus, they are distant. I felt so creepy taking pictures of the puppies without their owners knowing. lol
Carter passed out on our way home!! :D
-For some reason he has gotten scared to potty on our mulch, so he does it on the concrete now :( no idea what scared him to stop!
-He has been losing more and more teeth! and his breath stinks. The best I can come up with is that it has something to do with him losing his teeth. We've even brushed his teeth and it still smells :(
-He got to play with Clifford again last night! It takes Clifford awhile to warm up to Carter and last night Clifford was kind of a bully! He growled and kept biting Carter at first. I think it may have been a territorial thing because Clifford came to our place, but I have no idea. When Clifford finally marked some territory, he was much nicer to Carter. they ran and ran and ran. Carter passed out hard last night after Clifford left. TOO CUTE!
-Carter is very good at sharing! Carter shared his toys with Clifford last night and didnt growl once when Clifford would take his toys and run away with them. Carter would just chase him. He also shared his water AND his Kong that had peanut butter in it! I was VERY proud of him!!!
-We found 2 fleas on him. :( UGH. We also learned there is a high alert for fleas in Coral Gables right now. great. Anyway, I got the fleas off him and killed them. then I washed EVERYTHING, vacuumed and Lysoled everything. lol we washed him in dawn and put Frontline on him. I am not playing with these fleas! What has also been great about this is, he has stopped itching so much! Today I faxed over his records to the vet we found and I saw on the paperwork that he got Frontline when he first got the rescue and I didnt see a time when he got it after that, so I wonder if this whole time when we thought he had flea protection, he actually didnt! Maybe that's why he's been so itchy? Anyway, they are gone now and every 30 days that stuff is getting applied! We have not seen anymore either, so that's a blessing.
-We pulled his elephant back out and it's definitely his favorite toy! Look how much he loves him! He's taking a nap with his elephant :D TOO FREAKING CUTE!
He's getting so big! It's so exciting but kind of sad too. We use Frontline too. Next time, wait 2 or 3 days in between baths & Frontline :-) PS...I'm so jealous y'all are in a puppy class! I can't wait to get Bailey in one.