The list now includes (aside from the shirt of John's from before) and in the order ruined:
-A pair of my American Eagle flip flops (luckily they were only a $1, but they were SO comfy!)
-John's Chaco's (these were a gift, but are some expensive flip flops and John's favorite pair of shoes he owned)
-My favorite pair of jeans (this happened last night so I am still bitter)
You may be asking yourself, how did Carter get to all these things if we are watching him so closely? Good question! Well we have learned that if we provide Carter with a way to our patio, he will not use the bathroom in the house. Since we dont have a doggy door yet, we leave our patio doors open. He has gotten SO good about this!!! However, this means he always has access to our livingroom, regardless of where we are in the apartment.
My flip flops did not fall victim because of having access to our livingroom, but because I left them out after the beach one day. Ugh. Silly me. However, John's Chaco's were in the livingroom. Again, a mistake on his part. We were watching That 70's Show and he took them off. They were on the floor behind the ottoman. Well we both got up to go look at something on his computer, in the computer room. Carter followed, but then went back to the livingroom. He usually only leaves us if he has to go. WELL he got REALLY quiet and was gone for awhile. I went to check on him not that long after he left and he was chewing up the strap on John's shoe. FAIL. My jeans were also my fault. He usually likes to cuddle up on our clothes (i dont get it) so I thought they were safe on the floor! I had them RIGHT next to me and he went to go lay on them. I look down last night and there he is chewing a hole right in them. I think the thing that makes me mad about that was I was RIGHT THERE. UGH.
John's Chaco's (I only got a picture of these)
Anyway, Carter ruining each of those things are all our fault. Still frustrating. Since we give him access to livingroom at all times now, we have to be SUPER careful about what we leave out. He has gotten so tall now that anything on the ottoman is free game and I almost dont trust to leave stuff on the couch anymore. I guess we just have to be even more careful.
Aside from losing some items, I hate that Carter is teething because he is in so much pain :( He whimpers and will even yelp :( Makes my heart hurt. We got one of those teething toys that you can freeze and he likes to chew on that when he hurts. We also give him ice. Poor puppy. I hope it ends soon.
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